47th Mahura brigade's deputy commander has set record straight
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47th Mahura brigade's deputy commander has set record straight

Source:  online.ua

In an interview with Online.UA, the deputy commander of the 47th Mahura Brigade, Oleksandr 'Genius' Shyrshyn, denied rumours of the disappearance of the former chief sergeant of the 47th Mahura Brigade, Valeriy Markus.

Marcus continues his military service

During the conversation with the main character, the Online.UA journalist drew attention to the fact that society is now interested in the question of where Markus went.

Recently, rumors began to spread, allegedly, about his stay abroad and refusal to serve.

However, Oleksandr Shyrshyn denied such rumors and noted that he would like people who say such things to be responsible for their words.

This person still continues to serve, if everyone there is so interested. And continues to fulfill his duty. I actually have a lot of respect for Valery for what he did. For what he did. No matter how one treats him, with all his pluses and minuses, a person does his work and continues to do it.

Oleksandr "Genii" Shyrshyn

Oleksandr "Genii" Shyrshyn

Deputy commander of the 47th "Mahura" battalion

Deputy commander of Mahura dispelled myth about realities of front

During the conversation with the main character, the Online.UA journalist drew attention to the fact that the opinion that war is the business of young people is gaining momentum.

Oleksandr Shyrshyn frankly admitted that he does not share similar views.

I can't agree with that. I don't know what to call this one... It's not a person, unfortunately. This is not a representative of the Ukrainian people from Lviv, who said that young people from the age of 18 and up should fight, go ahead. And what about me, I'm already over 40, and where does everything hurt? War should be everyone's business. Absolutely everyone, noted Oleksandr "Genius" Shyrshyn.

As "Genius" notes, it is quite clear that a young fighter has more strength, energy and can manage to do a little more than his adult counterparts.

However, one cannot ignore the fact that the person who has more experience, more training, or is more aware of certain things is also a very important person on the battlefield.

Her work could be better and more professional.

On the other hand, we can see many units where young people apply, where fighters a little over 20 years old go. And this is good. But it shouldn't be the case that war is only a matter for young people, "Genius" emphasised.

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