A German military analyst assessed the significance of the events in Kurshchyna for Ukraine
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A German military analyst assessed the significance of the events in Kurshchyna for Ukraine

Source:  Ukrinform

The events taking place in the Kursk region of the Russian Federation have not only a symbolic, but also quite practical significance for Ukraine.

Points of attention

  • The events in Kurshchyna are of great significance for Ukraine, both symbolically and practically.
  • Ukraine's successes in the Kursk region can have a strategic impact on Russian troops and an operational effect on the front.
  • According to the expert's assessment, the military actions in the Kursk direction are intended to tie up the Russian forces and cause them losses in order to reduce the pressure on the front.
  • Ukraine acts purposefully against Russian bridgeheads to protect its territory.
  • Russian propaganda is trying to change the focus of attention on the events in the Kursk region.

A German expert assessed the significance of the events near Sudzha for Ukraine

Bundestag deputy, expert in the field of defense policy, former colonel of the Bundeswehr General Staff, Roderich Kiesewetter, expressed his thoughts on military operations in the Kursk region.

The successes of Ukraine in the Kursk region have not only a symbolic meaning, but also a military-strategic or at least an operational effect.

Roderich Kiesewetter

Roderich Kiesewetter

Member of the Bundestag, military expert

According to his assessment, military actions in the Kursk direction are aimed at tying up Russian forces there and causing them significant losses in order to relieve pressure on the front, because Russia will be forced to keep its troops in this area and strengthen them by withdrawing forces from other locations.

It could also stop or limit the use of Russian fighter jets from the Kursk region for shelling the territory of Ukraine.

Ukraine is taking targeted actions against the so-called Russian bridgeheads, from which Russia has so far attacked Ukraine.

Events in Sudza: what is known

On August 6, Russian Telegram channels reported on alleged fighting in the border areas of the Russian Federation with reference to pro-war media. It was also noted that the Ukrainian military allegedly "invaded" the territory of the Kursk region.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine did not make any official statements on this matter.

The Institute for the Study of War (ISW), after analyzing the reports of Russia regarding attempts to break through the border in the Kursk region, came to the conclusion that the versions of events from the local authorities and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the FSB differ.

Andriy Kovalenko, head of the Counter-Disinformation Center at the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, said that Russian propagandists were tasked with shifting the focus of attention from the North to the battles in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

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