AFU soldier captured four Russians at once in Donetsk region
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AFU soldier captured four Russians at once in Donetsk region

Oleksandr Syrskyi

A Ukrainian soldier of one of the combat brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine single-handedly captured four Russian invaders.

Points of attention


  • The warrior's act is an example of the bravery and high fighting spirit of our defenders, which deserves to be celebrated.
  • The AFU Commander-in-Chief thanked the soldier and other defenders for their selfless service.
  • In Vovchansk, the Ukrainian military surrounded hundreds of soldiers of the Russian army, who had no chance to leave the territory of the plant.

The Ukrainian defender captured four occupiers

As the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Oleksandr Syrskyi, said, the other day in Donetsk region, a Ukrainian soldier from one of the combat brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine independently captured four Russian invaders.

This act is a vivid example of the bravery and fighting spirit of our defenders and certainly deserves to be recognized with an appropriate award.

Oleksandr Syrskyi

Oleksandr Syrskyi

Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces

The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces thanked him and all other Ukrainian defenders who are responsible for performing their duties for their selfless service.

The Armed Forces surrounded hundreds of soldiers of the Russian army in Vovchansk

The Ukrainian military besieged up to 400 war criminals of the occupation army of the Russian Federation at the chemical plant in Vovchansk. So far, dozens of Russian invaders have surrendered.

According to the Ukrainian military, the Russian occupiers are currently surrounded and have no chance to leave the territory of the plant.

The command of the occupation army of the Russian Federation ordered the soldiers to achieve a breakthrough to the west of the chemical plant. Still, the Ukrainian military repelled two enemy breakthrough attempts.

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