Almost all Okhmatdyt hospital buildings are damaged by Russian today's missile attack
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Almost all Okhmatdyt hospital buildings are damaged by Russian today's missile attack

NDSL Okhmatdyt

As a result of the Russian missile strike on July 8, the National Children's Specialised Hospital of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, "Okhmatdyt", was damaged.

Points of attention

  • Almost all buildings of the National Children's Specialised Hospital "Okhmatdyt" were damaged by a missile attack by the Russian Federation.
  • Hospital patients were injured as a result of the shelling, and all medical personnel are working on providing medical aid to the injured.
  • The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, stated that Russia must be held responsible for crimes against people and children.
  • All victims from the "Okhmatdyt" hospital will be transferred for treatment to other medical institutions to provide the necessary assistance.
  • The world community should support Ukraine in eliminating the consequences of the missile strike and draw attention to Russia's aggressive actions in the region.

Almost all buildings in Okhmatdyt were damaged by a Russian missile attack

Online.UA sources at the Okhmatdyt hospital report that the hands of the medical personnel in the intensive care department were cut by shrapnel due to the destruction inside the premises due to the Russian missile attack.

Also, according to Oleksandr Lysytsia, the deputy of the bone marrow transplantation department of the Okhmatdyt National Health Service, almost all the buildings of the multidisciplinary diagnostic and treatment facility were damaged due to another crime committed by the Russians.

The new [hospital building] is also [damaged]. The question is the scale of destruction, the doctor noted.

He added that the dialysis (acute intoxication) building was almost destroyed because it was the "main hit" that took place in it.

When asked if there were victims (children, adults, workers), the doctor answered: "Yes."

Now it is difficult to say, we are counting how many losses. It definitely is, — said Lysytsia.

The press service of "Okhmatdyt" officially confirmed:

The buildings of the hospital were damaged, some buildings of the medical institution were destroyed, windows and panes were broken, and there were victims.

Appropriate services are now on site to deal with the consequences, help patients and staff. Details later.

Two people were killed in Okhmatdyt

After the Russian missile strike at the Okhmatdyt Children's Hospital, it just became known about two dead. Rescuers disassemble the main blockages to give people air.

The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Igor Klimenko, told about it.

According to the minister, directly on the premises of a children's hospital, about two died, and 15 were wounded.

We carry out rescue work to be released as quickly as possible from the rubble of people. These are children, perhaps, medical staff. At least we cannot contact two doctors. We still have somewhere in 75-80 minutes to disassemble the main blockages to give people.

Ihor Klymenko

Ihor Klymenko

Minister of Internal Affairs

The minister noted that a green corridor was organised in Kyiv, where children were taken to the left bank.

He also added that there is no information about the dead minors. At the same time, children can likely be rubbed.

Russia attacked "Okhmatdyt": what is known

On July 8, one of the departments of the hospital was destroyed by a Russian missile strike. Rescue and search operations are ongoing.

Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko announced that children from the hospital destroyed by Russia are being transferred to other medical facilities in the city.

Dozens of people are helping to clear the debris in the hospital.

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy emphasised that Russia knows perfectly well where it launches missiles.

Russia cannot help but know where its missiles are flying, and must fully answer for all its crimes: against people, against children, against humanity in general. It is very important that the world should not be silent about it now and that everyone should see what Russia is and what it is doing.

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