Anti-Kremlin volunteers fighting for Ukraine share footage of battle with Russian army's units in Kharkiv region
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Anti-Kremlin volunteers fighting for Ukraine share footage of battle with Russian army's units in Kharkiv region

Siberian battalion
Source:  Siberian Battalion

Fighters of the Siberian Battalion (Sibbat), fighting on the side of Ukraine against the Russian invaders, showed a fragment of the battle during the Russian army's offensive in the Kharkiv region.

Sibbat repulses the Russian offensive in Kharkiv region

As Sibbat fighters note, a fragment of the battalion's combat sortie in the north of the Kharkiv region was seen on video during the start of a new offensive by the Russian Federation.

Our unit was one of the first to meet Putin's troops at the border of Ukraine. Now we continue to give a decent rebuff to the occupiers, said the statement Sibbatalion fighters.

Sibbat calls on Russia's military to rebel against Putin's regime

According to the Russian volunteer forces, they are currently carrying out combat missions in the hottest spots of the so-called Kharkiv offensive, which the Russian army launched on May 10.

We appeal to the Russian servicemen who are participating in this senseless massacre. During these few days, you yourself managed to make sure that your command uses you as cannon fodder. They continue to litter the border of Ukraine with the bodies of your brothers because of the sick ambitions of the old madman (Russian dictator Vladimir Putin — ed.). We value everyone's life, and we call on Russian soldiers and officers to come over to our side. Surrender, join the ranks of the Siberian Battalion, the Russian Volunteer Corps and the Legion "Freedom of Russia", said Sibbat fighters in their new address.

They also once again noted attention to Russian soldiers to the fact that this is the only sure way to fight for a free and strong Russia of the future, without Putin and his henchmen.

Russian volunteer forces emphasised that many soldiers of the enemy army made the right choice and surrendered, saving their lives and dignity.

Join [us] too, come to the side of truth, concluded the Siberian Battalion soldiers.

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