Argentina joins 'Ramstein group' for aid support to Ukraine
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Argentina joins 'Ramstein group' for aid support to Ukraine


Argentina joined the Defence Contact Group of Ukraine in the Rammstein format, which involves about 50 countries.

Points of attention


  • Argentina's participation in the group indicates increased support for Ukraine from the international community.
  • Argentina's new president supports Ukraine and takes an active position in relations with Ukraine, including providing helicopters and discussing the transfer of aircraft.
  • To assist the Ukrainian army, Argentina transferred Mi-171E helicopters and is negotiating the transfer of Super Etendard aircraft.

Argentina joined the Rammstein format

US Defense Minister Lloyd Austin said during the opening of the Ramstein meeting that Argentina had joined the Contact Group on Defense of Ukraine.

The country is represented at the meeting by Minister of Defence Louis Petri.

Support for Ukraine is increasing. And so I welcome Argentina's efforts as a new member of the Contact Group. "I welcome you here with us today," said the chief of the Pentagon.

More than 50 countries participate in the group's work — all NATO bloc countries, most EU states, and allies from Africa and Asia.

On June 13, the 23rd meeting in the "Ramstein" format for the aid of Ukraine is being held at the NATO headquarters in Brussels. The Minister of Defence of Ukraine, Rustem Umierov, is present at the meeting. A meeting of the Ukraine-NATO Council will also take place today.

Ministers should discuss long-term support for Ukraine.

What is known about the aid of Argentina

It is worth noting that Argentina began to support Ukraine more actively after the president's re-election.

The new leader of the country Javier Milei met with the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy and promised support. At Zelenskyy's request, Miley will also take part in the peace summit.

According to the Financial Times, Argentina handed over Mi-171E helicopters bought in Russia to Ukraine.

Also, according to the media, Argentina is discussing with France the transfer of Super Etendard aircraft to Ukraine, which are not in use due to the British embargo.

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