ATESH movement discovers new Russian army units in Russia-occupied part of Kherson region
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ATESH movement discovers new Russian army units in Russia-occupied part of Kherson region

Source:  ATESH

The Crimean Tatar resistance movement ATESH revealed the mass arrival of Russian occupiers with characteristic tattoos in the occupied Novooleksiivka of the Kherson region.

The occupiers are strengthening their group in the Kherson region with former prisoners

New echelons with Russian military arrive at the "Novooleksiiivka" railway station.

Our agents also note the arrival of a large number of occupation army personnel in Novooleksiivka. These soldiers are housed in vacant abandoned houses. Most of them have multiple tattoos on their bodies. The local population believes that these are people who were previously in prisons.

If you know where the Russian Army of Occupation is stationing personnel, please let us know. Together, we will drive the Russian horde out of Ukraine!

Racists continue to carry out measures to strengthen filtering measures in settlements located near the border with the temporarily occupied Crimea.

As ATESH agents report, units of the Russian Guard have been instructed to intercept Ukrainian partisans who are transmitting information about the locations of personnel of the Russian occupation forces. Also, the disappearance of personnel of the Russian troops is noted in the settlement.

According to official reports received by the group of the Russian Federation "Dniepr", we learned that the Russians refuse to perform combat tasks and arbitrarily leave the places of temporary deployment. It is noteworthy that some of those who officially passed the papers as soch (who voluntarily left a part), later found themselves in the occupied territory of the Kherson region.

The Russian occupiers are transporting weapons to Dzhankoi

The Crimean Tatar resistance movement ATESH detected the movement of enemy equipment in the direction of the temporarily occupied Kherson region.

Agents of our movement in Crimea record the movement of a column of self-propelled artillery 2С19 "Msta-S". The high intensity of fighting in the south of Ukraine and the significant losses of the occupiers force them to replace the destroyed equipment and soldiers.

We continue to wage a partisan struggle and contribute to the victory over racism.

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