Baltic states, Poland don't rule their troops deployment to Ukraine: details
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Baltic states, Poland don't rule their troops deployment to Ukraine: details


Eastern European NATO countries are not going to wait for Russian troops to approach their borders and want to act in advance.

The policy of deterrence and delay of Western weapons for Ukraine will provoke an escalation of the conflict with Russia

Some MPs from the Baltic countries have stated that the Baltic states and Poland will send troops into Ukraine if the Russian army succeeds on the battlefield.

Due to the weak support of Western countries, a strategic breakthrough of the occupiers in the east of Ukraine is quite possible. In particular, Germany's policy does not correspond to wartime, so the situation may deteriorate sharply, the publication's interlocutors note.

Eastern European NATO states fear that it is the policy of deterrence and not providing Ukraine with advanced weapons that will provoke further escalation with Russia.

French President Emmanuel Macron was the first to speak about the possibility of sending Western troops to Ukraine this spring.

However, Macron's idea was supported only by the Baltic states and Poland, while the rest of the NATO countries, particularly Germany, criticized the French leader's statement.

The Baltic countries and Poland will not wait for Russian troops to be stationed on their border; they will instead send soldiers to Ukraine themselves.

The sources add that under such a scenario, the NATO bloc would turn into a war party, which German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and US President Joe Biden rightly fear.

According to the analysis, anyone who wants to limit war through excessive restraint actually risks getting out of hand. Some people confuse fluctuations with caution, but the situation is too serious for that, says a member of the coalition committee of the German government.

Recently, the American publication The New York Times wrote that NATO is discussing the possibility of sending military instructors to Ukraine to train Ukrainian soldiers. Currently, NATO troops are training Ukrainian soldiers abroad.

Ukraine can get Taurus from Germany

According to Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski, the White House's decision to provide Ukraine with long-range ATACMS missiles will push German leader Olaf Scholz to transfer the Taurus to Kyiv.

Radoslaw Sikorski predicts that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz may drastically change his position after the latest events in the international arena.

The United States' provision of long-awaited ATACMS missiles to Ukraine was a response to Russia's escalation, and Scholz acknowledges this. Germany will do more than it already does.

Radoslaw Sikorski

Radoslaw Sikorski

Polish MFA chief

As Western journalists recently learned, the United States also expects that a positive decision regarding ATACMS for Ukraine will prompt official Berlin to take a similar step regarding its own Taurus cruise missiles.

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