Biden says it is 'hard to debate a liar' like Trump
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Biden says it is 'hard to debate a liar' like Trump

Joe Biden
Source:  The Hill

US President Joe Biden noted that he successfully coped during the debate with his opponent in the elections, Donald Trump.

Points of attention

  • Joe Biden suffered throat problems during the debate with Donald Trump, but believes that he successfully coped with the opponent.
  • Democrats have accused Biden of an unconvincing performance and are discussing the possibility of his withdrawal as a presidential candidate.
  • Replacing Biden with another late-stage candidate could be a difficult task because of primaries held in all 50 states.

Biden claims good performance in a debate with Trump

I think we did well, — said the American leader at the end of the debate.

In response to reporters' questions about calls from some Democratic Party representatives to him to withdraw from the election race, Biden said he had no worries about the results.

The US president explained that he had a sore throat during the debate.

The White House also noted that Biden had a cold during the debate.

At the same time, the American leader complained about Trump himself.

No. It’s hard to debate a liar, — emphasised Biden.

He reminded that, according to The New York Times journalists, Trump lied at least 26 times during the debate.

What is known about criticism of Biden's speech by representatives of the Democratic Party

According to The New York Times, after the debate between Biden and Trump, fellow party members of the current president accused him of a speech that was too unconvincing and began to discuss replacing his candidacy in the elections.

Parties exist to win. The person who was on stage with Trump cannot win. Fear of Trump stifled criticism of Biden. Now the same fear will fuel calls for his removal as a candidate — the journalists of the publication quote a statement from one of the heads of Biden's campaign headquarters.

Representatives of the Democratic Party also actively discussed the possibility of replacing Biden with another candidate from the Democratic Party in the evening broadcasts of the leading American TV channels.

At the same time, replacing a candidate in a presidential election at such a late stage may be a complicated technical task.

All 50 states have already held primaries, and Biden has received an overwhelming majority of delegates from them. Only Biden himself can instruct these delegates to vote for someone else, since they are obliged to vote for him if he does not withdraw his candidacy before the Democratic Party convention in August of this year, the publication explains.

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