Budanov took part in repulse of Russia's offensive in Kharkiv region, DIU reveals details
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Budanov took part in repulse of Russia's offensive in Kharkiv region, DIU reveals details

Kyrylo Budanov

Head of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine (DIU), Kyrylo Budanov, took part in repelling the Russian offensive in the Kharkiv region, according to Andrii Yusov, a representative of the state institution.

What is known about Budanov's participation in combat operations in Kharkiv region and other areas

Yusov noted that the head of the DIU took part in one of the combat operations at the beginning of the Russian occupation army offensive in the Kharkiv region.

According to the representative of the DIU, a footage, allegedly from the Kharkiv region, showing special units of Ukrainian military intelligence, in particular, the "Timur" unit, who was among the first to join in repelling the attacks of the Russian occupying army in the Kharkiv region, quickly spread on social media.

Yusov noted that the fighters of the special units of the DIU continue to inflict numerous losses on the units of the criminal army of the Russian Federation, protecting the sovereign Ukrainian territories.

At the same time, he noted that Kyrylo Budanov, the head of the DIU, regularly participates in such operations.

The representative of the DIU added that Budanov directly participates in combat operations and measures near the front line.

And it's not just to participate for the sake of participating. This is an important component for raising the moral and psychological motivation of fighters,” Yusov explained.

Yusov noted that after the beginning of the enemy's offensive in the Kharkiv region, one of the first to meet the Russians and put up a strong resistance to them were the special forces of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, as well as other members of the Security and Defence Forces. And Kyrylo Budanov was also there.

What is known about Budanov's stay in Kharkiv region

It is noted that the head of the DIU gave an interview to the journalists of The New York Times, being at that time in a protected bunker in the Kharkiv region together with other Ukrainian commanders.

It is emphasised that Budanov was one of those who directly controlled the defence operation of the Ukrainian military.

After that, Budanov also reported on the situation in the combat zones in the Kharkiv region, those who were directly in the area of the front line.

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