"Buffalo" from "Azov" explained why Russia kidnaps Ukrainian children
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"Buffalo" from "Azov" explained why Russia kidnaps Ukrainian children

Russia kidnaps Ukrainian children to create a new army
Source:  online.ua

The aggressor country of the Russian Federation is trying to re-educate the kidnapped Ukrainian children in accordance with the narratives of Russian propaganda and deprive them of Ukrainian identity. This was stated by the senior sergeant of the 12th special purpose brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine "Azov" with the call sign "Buffalo" in an interview with Online.UA.

Points of attention

  • "Buffalo" warns about the plans of the Russian occupiers regarding kidnapped Ukrainian children.
  • The senior sergeant reminds us how important it is to take revenge on Russia for every child killed, maimed and kidnapped.
  • The documentary "Mutilated Childhood" tells the stories of Ukrainian children who were kidnapped and tortured by the Russian invaders.

Russia kidnaps Ukrainian children to create a new army

"Buffalo" recalled the story of a Ukrainian teenager who was abducted by the occupiers from a boarding school in Mariupol and forcibly taken to Russia.

The Ukrainian authorities managed to save the boy, and when he turned 18, he returned home.

He says that there is a slipper. They are preparing a new army, they are preparing a new generation, their children in boarding schools get up in the morning and sing the Russian national anthem with St. George ribbons and sincerely believe that they are killing Nazis. I am full of revenge. Very full. I want us to take revenge for every Ukrainian child.



Senior Sergeant of the Azov NGU Brigade

According to the senior sergeant, it is also extremely important that the future generation of Ukrainians understand what is really happening, never forget about the enemy nearby and prepare for all possible scenarios.

We must always be ready. They are just barbarians.

"Mutilated childhood". Why is it important to watch this movie?

In 2023, the Online.UA team presented the documentary "Mutilated Childhood".

She reveals the truth about Russia's abduction of Ukrainian children from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.

The film contains real stories of children and their families who suffered from Russia's war against Ukraine, comments of leading scientists, psychologists, lawyers and experts on the protection of children's rights.

The heroes of the film frankly talk about how they went through Russian captivity, torture, abduction to a health camp.

Some children were even separated from their parents during the so-called filtering measures, but they managed to return to their homeland.

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