China promotes its plan ahead of Ukraine's peace summit
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China promotes its plan ahead of Ukraine's peace summit

Flags of China
Source:  Reuters

China, which refused to participate in the Peace Summit in Switzerland, is trying to promote its own plan for the settlement of the criminal war launched by Russia against Ukraine.

Points of attention

  • China is trying to develop its plan to end the war in Ukraine before the summit in Switzerland.
  • Beijing is enlisting other countries in an alternative six-point plan, hoping for international support.
  • China's proposal envisages holding a peace conference with the participation of all parties to the conflict on equal terms.
  • China's diplomatic efforts are supported by Russia, which creates additional prospects for an alternative plan.
  • China believes the peace conference in Switzerland should not become a platform for a new bloc confrontation.

What is known about China's attempts to advance an alternative plan for ending the war in Ukraine

According to the publication's journalists, citing ten unnamed diplomats, as the Peace Summit in Ukraine approached, China intensified its efforts to spread its own information and propaganda activities during meetings with foreign high-ranking officials.

Attempts to involve other countries in Beijing's so-called "alternative" plan for ending the war in Ukraine are carried out through telephone conversations and messages to foreign missions on the Chinese WeChat platform.

China's Special Representative for Eurasian Affairs, Li Hui, visited Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the UAE last month.

China is trying to bring developing countries into a six-point "peace plan" it unveiled with Brazil last month.

According to Chinese diplomats, in conversations with developing countries, Beijing avoided criticism of the peace summit in Switzerland and did not ask countries to refrain from participating in it.

However, according to one of the diplomats, the Chinese envoys claim that the Peace Summit in Switzerland allegedly serves to continue the criminal war launched by Russia against Ukraine.

Two diplomats said China has told Western countries that many developing nations share its views on the peace summit.

What is known about China's peace proposals

The Chinese proposal envisages holding an international peace conference "at an appropriate time, recognized by both Russia and Ukraine, with equal participation of all parties, as well as an honest discussion of all peace plans."

Sergei Lavrov, the head of foreign affairs of the aggressor country, did not rule out that China could hold such an alternative summit.

Kremlin dictator Vladimir Putin also predictably expressed support for China's diplomatic efforts.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said last week that 45 countries had backed China's proposal, and more than two dozen had either joined or were "seriously considering" it.

China sincerely hopes that the peace conference (in Switzerland) will not turn into a platform to create a bloc confrontation. Not attending it does not mean not maintaining peace, said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning.

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