Czechia confirms Ukraine can potentially receive 1.5 million shells within Prague's ammo proposal
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Czechia confirms Ukraine can potentially receive 1.5 million shells within Prague's ammo proposal

Source:  Bloomberg

On March 26, the Czech government officially confirmed that within its initiative, Ukraine could potentially receive 1.5 million shells, instead of 800,000, as previously predicted.

How many shells can Ukraine get?

The head of Czech diplomacy, Jan Lipavsky, made a statement on this matter.

He drew attention to the fact that the Prague-led initiative, which provides for purchasing about 800,000 shells outside the European Union, is thriving and gaining momentum.

We can do much more than the initially announced amount (800,000 — ed.), Lipavskyi said, naming 1.5 million shells as a potential amount.

The Czech MFA chief also emphasised that his country's initiative alone will not be enough to support Ukraine.

It is also important to understand that the financing of the first deliveries must be initiated before the shipments are shipped.

As we can see, this is already helping Ukraine fight better because they know they will have fresh ammunition, which has changed their attitude towards using their existing stockpiles.

Yan Lipavskyi

Yan Lipavskyi

Czechia's MFA chief

According to the Czech diplomat, he cannot yet answer how long it will take to deliver shells to the front line.

How Ukraine comments on the initiative of the Czech Republic

The head of Ukrainian diplomacy, Dmytro Kuleba, recently stated that according to the signals received by Kyiv, the Ukrainian military will experience an increase in the supply of ammunition within the framework of the Czech initiative shortly.

He also added that it would not take many months.

The Czech initiative is designed to be implemented throughout the year. The first shells will start arriving in the foreseeable future. And then, during the year, new batches will continue to arrive, explained the Ukrainian MFA chief.

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