Denmark confirmed Ukraine's permission to strike Russia with Danish-supplied weapons
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Denmark confirmed Ukraine's permission to strike Russia with Danish-supplied weapons

European Comission
Self-propelled howitzer

Denmark will allow the Armed Forces of Ukraine to strike with its weapons on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Denmark is not against Ukraine's attacks on the Russian Federation

Denmark has once again confirmed its permission to use its weapons from the aid package to Ukraine for strikes against Russia.

The Danish MFA chief, Lars Løkke Rasmussen, said during a journalist conversation.

My short answer [for this] is yes. And this position is not new. It is part of the help. When we discussed this with our foreign affairs committee in the Danish parliament, we made it clear from the outset that a possible attack on military installations on the territory of an aggressor is part of self-defence.

Lars Løkke Rasmussen

Lars Løkke Rasmussen

Danish MFA chief

What is known about aid from Denmark

On May 16, Denmark allocated 750 million euros in a new military aid package to Ukraine. The package concerns the supply of air defence and artillery.

Today, the government informed the Foreign Policy Council about a new package of donations to Ukraine in the amount of 5.6 billion crowns (750 million euros).

Of this amount, 2.4 billion Danish kroner (321 million euros) has been reserved for air defence. Part of the funds will also go to the free transfer of F-16 aircraft to Ukraine. Minister of Foreign Affairs Lars Lokke Rasmussen said the government also allocates additional funds for direct investment in the Ukrainian defence industry as part of the package.

In addition, Ukraine will receive shells and anti-tank mines, and the aid package itself has already become the 18th in a row. Troels Lund Poulsen said that the situation in Ukraine is very serious.

There is no doubt that Ukrainians need constant and massive support from allies. With this package, we are sending an unambiguous signal both to Ukraine and to the outside world. We are making both donations now and are ready to make large-scale and long-term investments in the Ukrainian defense industry. Their struggle for freedom remains our struggle, the minister added.

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