DIU: Putin was furious after Ukraine's military damaged Su-57 fighter jet
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DIU: Putin was furious after Ukraine's military damaged Su-57 fighter jet

Vladimir Putin

According to Andrii Yusov, a representative of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, Kremlin dictator Vladimir Putin was furious after the Ukrainian military damaged the Su-57 advanced fighter of the occupying army.

Points of attention

  • The Ukrainian military intelligence reported that Vladimir Putin was furious because of the destruction of the Su-57 fighter jet by the Ukrainian military.
  • The strike on the Su-57 made the Russian president furious, confirming the defence's failure and the Ukrainian military's response.
  • The Su-57 is used by the occupation army of the Russian Federation during missile attacks on Ukraine.
  • Yesterday, information was published about the destruction of two Su-57s, as a result of which the enemy's potential was seriously undermined.
  • Russia currently has no more than ten units of the Su-57, which indicates the high importance of this aircraft for Putin's army and the possible consequences for their military potential.

AFU made Putin mad because of the Su-57 fighter's damage

We can ascertain the very fact of damage. Regarding the operation itself, neither confirm nor deny. But, indeed, it is great news. Putin will be really mad. And the reaction in the Kremlin is really very hot and tangible, because they tried to carefully hide and protect the Su-57, explains Yusov.

According to him, enemy Su-57 aircraft never crossed the airspace of Ukraine because the Russian invaders were afraid of their loss.

After all, it is known that Russia exaggerated the characteristics of this aircraft in order to sell and be present on the international arms market, adds DIU rep.

How will the loss of the Su-57 affect the potential of the Russian army

However, Yusov noted that the occupation army of the Russian Federation uses these planes during missile attacks on Ukraine.

Indeed, there is information about the possible destruction of two Su-57s, as well as about the dead and wounded occupants who were at the airport at that moment, confirmed DIU rep.

Yusov added that the destruction of strategic military targets on the territory of the aggressor country, in particular, advanced military aircraft, is quite logical since they are involved in a criminal war against Ukraine.

There is already public information from the enemy's information field. The enemy himself confirms the defeat of one unit. Satellite images have been released that clearly show damage to one aircraft. Accordingly, when there is objective confirmation, we will say two things. Currently, there is information about the destruction of two Su-57s. As for objective confirmation, we still have to wait, Yusov said.

He clarified that it was probably a lesion.

But, we understand, this is a complex technological process, and only the diagnosis of damage will take the enemy a lot of time, and the restoration, accordingly, the same. And if we talk about the fact that this is, by and large, an artificial product, the Su-57 for Putin's army, then the minus of any unit is a serious blow to the enemy's capabilities, emphasised DIU speaker.

Yusov noted that Russia has up to ten Su-57 units.

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