DIU shares images of Russian army's locations made by ICEYE satellite
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DIU shares images of Russian army's locations made by ICEYE satellite

The Defence Intelligence of Ukraine

For almost 2 years, the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine (DIU) specialists have been using the ICEYE spacecraft to detect Russian military objects and protect the state.

Points of attention

  • ICEYE provides the ability to receive data in temporarily occupied territories and other parts of the planet where enemy troops operate.
  • "People's satellite" allows you to accurately identify military targets and prepare fire strikes against the enemy.
  • Ukrainian intelligence took 4,173 pictures of Russian objects during two years of using ICEYE, which became an indispensable source of information for the country's defence.

ICEYE helps Ukrainian defenders destroy enemy forces

The results are just space! It is very important that reconnaissance from Earth's orbit makes it possible to receive data both on the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine and in other places on the planet where the military forces and means of terrorist Russia are located, — says the DIU statement.

What is essential to understand is that during the two years of using the "people's satellite" and access to the ICEYE satellite constellation, experts took a total of 4,173 pictures of Russian objects, among them:

  • 370 ― airfields;

  • 238 ― positions of air defence and radio technical intelligence;

  • 153 ― oil depots and fuel warehouses;

  • 147 ― warehouses of missiles, aviation weapons and ammunition;

  • 17 ― naval bases.

In addition, the ICEYE lens includes points of permanent deployment of enemy forces, Russian training grounds, military towns, and mobilisation deployment centres.

What is known about the main advantage of ICEYE

According to the DIU, it is primarily about his ability to clearly see a cluster of mechanised units of the Russian army with its equipment, even carefully camouflaged in "green".

Moreover, it is indicated that ICEYE can accurately identify the type and type of detected enemy combat aircraft, ships, and anti-aircraft vehicles and record the level of damage to affected enemy facilities.

About 38% of the entire array of data obtained thanks to ICEYE was used to directly prepare fire damage to the enemy — this is billions of dollars in losses for Russia, and the price of its aggression will increase! Our boundless gratitude to every citizen who joined the charitable project of the Serhiy Prytula Foundation is one of the best investments in Ukraine's defense capability! — DIU officers emphasise.

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