Dodging mobilisation can lead to catastrophic consequences for Ukraine, AFU company commander says
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Dodging mobilisation can lead to catastrophic consequences for Ukraine, AFU company commander says

Oleksandr Yabchanka

Oleksandr Yabchanka, commander of the "Honor" company of the "Da Vinci Wolves" battalion, frankly admitted in an interview to Online.UA that he thinks about the so-called "evasion trend" in Ukraine and explained why such attitudes are extremely dangerous.

Points of attention

  • Dodging mobilisation can lead to catastrophic consequences for Ukraine.
  • Ukrainians should not underestimate the threat posed by the enemy and should be ready to defend the state.
  • Realising that participation in mobilisation is necessary for military victory and preserving the country's independence is crucial.

Evasion can end in disaster for every Ukrainian

It's no secret that the "dodger trend" is becoming more widespread in Ukraine: songs, photos, and various things with the words "I am a dodger" appear.

The Online.UA journalist asked Oleksandr Yabchanka how he feels about what is happening and what possible consequences it may have in the future.

If a person has already decided to talk to society so frankly, it is desirable to prove his opinion and declare, "I'm a dodger and a fool." I'll explain why you're a fool. When you put it on display, you make the topic of evasion the norm. Why do I say that only a fool or an enemy can do this? Because if we fail to mobilise, we will be defeated militarily. Military defeat for Ukraine means occupation. Occupation means forced mobilisation into the Russian army. Accordingly, you are a dodger and a fool.

Oleksandr Yabchanka

Oleksandr Yabchanka

Commander of the "Honor" company of the "Da Vinci Wolves" battalion

According to Oleksandr Yabchanka, in the modern realities of life it is almost impossible to avoid the front.

However, if a Ukrainian joins the Russian army after the defeat of the Armed Forces, then he can only expect to participate in "meat assaults" there.

I am not exaggerating now, because I repelled those meat assaults. I saw how Russians fight with meat. We had 12 assaults during which 12 groups went to hell. That is, you can imagine how easily they throw their cannon fodder into hell, — notes the "Honor" company commander.

Ukrainians cannot underestimate the enemy and count only on the Armed Forces

Oleksandr Yabchanka urges not to ignore the fact that the Russian Federation has several times the advantage over Ukraine.

Besides, in this war, the Ukrainian adversary has set himself the goal of destroying us.

After destroying us, I mean the state, that is, occupying our state. After the occupation of the state, Russia will do what it did in other occupied Ukrainian territories. That is, to mobilise into the ranks of this worthless army. Worthless in terms of value characteristics. They are ugly, but there are many of them... And believe me, for the occupier, a mobilised Ukrainian is only cannon fodder.

Oleksandr Yabchanka

Oleksandr Yabchanka

Commander of the "Honor" company of the "Da Vinci Wolves" battalion

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