The current pro-Western president of Moldova, Maya Sandu, was re-elected for a second term. She won a victory over her pro-Russian opponent Oleksandr Stoyanoglo.
Points of attention
- Moldova celebrates the victory of Maia Sandu in the presidential elections with the result of 55.26% of the votes.
- President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy congratulates Maya Sanda on her victory and expresses the support of the Ukrainian people.
- Maja Sandu promised to be the president for all citizens of Moldova, regardless of political beliefs.
- Zelensky called for strengthening the partnership between Ukraine and Moldova to achieve economic growth and social stability.
Maya Sandu won the presidential elections in Moldova
According to the calculations of the Central Election Commission of 99.59% of the ballots, Sandu won 55.26% of the votes , and her opponent, Oleksandr Stoyanoglo, which is supported by pro-Russian opposition parties, — 44.74% .
The advantage of Sandu over Stojanoglo is more than 176 thousand votes.

A total of 1,698,813 citizens of Moldova took part in the elections.
The President of Moldova, Maia Sandu, said that during these elections, her country suffered an unprecedented attack.
Moldova suffered an unprecedented attack in the history of Europe: dirty money, illegal bribery of votes, interference of criminal groups in electoral processes, spread of hatred and fear in our society. But our people united, and the citizens won," said Maya Sandu.
Sandu also addressed the voters in Russian. She said she heard the voices of those who supported her and those who voted for her opponent, the pro-Russian Socialist Party candidate Oleksandr Stoyanoglo. Sandhu promised to be president for all.
Zelensky congratulated Sanda on her victory in the elections
Congratulations to Maia Sandu on her victory in the presidential elections in Moldova. Ukraine supports the European choice of the Moldovan people and is ready to work together to strengthen our partnership.

Volodymyr Zelenskyi
President of Ukraine
Вітаю Маю Санду з перемогою на президентських виборах у Молдові. Україна підтримує європейський вибір народу Молдови й готова працювати разом задля зміцнення нашого партнерства.
— Volodymyr Zelenskyy / Володимир Зеленський (@ZelenskyyUa) November 4, 2024
Громадяни Молдови чітко визначилися — обрали шлях до економічного зростання та соціальної…
He emphasized that the Moldovans made a clear choice — they chose the path "toward economic growth and social stability."
Only real security and a peaceful, united Europe can guarantee every person and every family confidence in the future, Zelenskyy concluded.