Ex-US Vice President Pence predicts Russia to start war against NATO if Ukraine is defeated
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Ex-US Vice President Pence predicts Russia to start war against NATO if Ukraine is defeated

Mike Pence
Source:  Politico

According to former US Vice President Mike Pence, the US army will have to fight against Russian invaders if Vladimir Putin's dictator defeats Ukraine.

A war between Russia and NATO is possible if Ukraine is defeated

The former aide of Donald Trump made such a warning during an event in Brussels.

In addition, he once again called on the US Congress to immediately support additional funding for military aid to Ukraine.

Mike Pence pointed out that isolationism is never the answer to tyrannical regimes with expansionist intentions.

If Putin wins in Ukraine, I do not doubt that the time will come when he will cross the border (with Europe - ed.), and our men and women in military uniform will have to fight... It won't be long before he crosses the border, and our men will have to fight following Article 5 of the NATO treaty, according to which an attack on one member of the Alliance is an attack on all.

Mike Pence

Mike Pence

Former Vice President of the USA

Moreover, he believes that the international community will soon take action in the Taiwan Strait or somewhere in the South China Sea.

Pence has made no secret of his support for Trump's tough rhetoric about the failure of European allies to meet NATO's target of spending 2% of GDP on defense.

The CIA director announced his forecast for the Russo-Ukrainian war

According to the CIA director, William Burns, Ukraine may be defeated in the war with Russia in 2024 if the United States does not approve aid to Kyiv.

There is a very real risk that the Ukrainians could lose the battlefield by the end of 2024, or at least put Putin in a position where he can essentially dictate the terms of a political settlement, William Burns warned.

It's worth noting that the CIA director's warnings came right after House Speaker Mike Johnson unveiled his long-awaited foreign aid package.

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