G7 supports aid to Ukraine with use of Russia's frozen assets
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G7 supports aid to Ukraine with use of Russia's frozen assets


The US partner countries from the Big Seven support the plan to allocate multibillion-dollar aid to Ukraine, supported by the frozen assets of the Russian Federation.

What is known about the readiness of the United States and the G7 to allocate billions of dollars to help Ukraine

It is noted that at the G7 summit in June, the members plan to discuss a plan under which Ukraine can receive an advance loan of $350 billion backed by profits from the frozen assets of the Russian Federation.

The authors of the article emphasise that some of the G7 countries are not very happy with this initiative. Still, their positions have changed due to diplomatic pressure from the United States.

According to USA officials, Ukraine can already receive a 50 billion dollar loan this summer.

The article emphasises that this help will be given at a crucial moment, as the Ukrainian military is doing all it can to stop the advance of the Russian Federation's criminal army.

What is known about the position of other G7 member countries

The publication's authors add that the plan was approved even by those G7 members who actively resisted the initiative to confiscate the frozen assets of the Russian Federation.

They consider the new initiative as a long-term plan to support Ukraine if the current US President, Joe Biden, loses the presidential election and Donald Trump returns to the White House instead.

It is noted that the initiative to provide Ukraine with a loan with insurance at the expense of the Russian Federation's frozen assets should be implemented by November this year.

According to officials from Italy, which currently heads the G7, at the summit, they will try to reach an agreement on the most effective use of windfall revenues to ensure Ukraine's long-term financing.

The talks are underway ahead of a meeting of G7 finance ministers and central bank governors in Italy next week to discuss the issue.

Western officials note that the US seeks to include wording in the G7 joint statement regarding the use of the Russian Federation's frozen assets.

France, Germany, Italy and Japan opposed the confiscation of critical assets of the Russian Federation.

Currently, the details still need to be approved, in particular, to determine who will give the loan—only the USA or the G7 countries through a special structure, who will guarantee the return of funds under the loan, and how will the risks and repayments be distributed if future profits do not materialise.

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