Gather all your strength and fight. The Third Assault Brigade evaluated Ukraine's Victory Plan
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Gather all your strength and fight. The Third Assault Brigade evaluated Ukraine's Victory Plan


On October 16, the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, presented the Victory Plan of Ukraine to the Council. Deputy commander of the Third Assault Brigade, ex-commander of the "Azov" regiment, Major AFU Maksym Zhorin, shared his thoughts on this important document.

Points of attention

  • The only possible plan of every Ukrainian is to gather all their strength and fight, regardless of the discussion of strategies and plans, Maksym Zhorin believes.
  • It is difficult for Ukraine, but there is a chance to defeat the enemy and win this war, despite limited resources compared to Russia.
  • Civilians are little aware of the essence of the conflict at the front and its possible consequences, which is a serious problem.
  • Maxim Zhorin, deputy commander of the Third Assault Brigade, emphasizes the importance of active struggle and a realistic approach to the situation at the front.

The only possible plan of every Ukrainian is to gather all their strength and fight

Maksym Zhorin is sure that no plan, no matter what it is, does not cancel the need to fight.

This is the main thing that everyone needs to realize. And then after these news, everyone will just wait for victory again.

According to the military officer, "you can discuss anything, without placing too much hope and without putting on your head the dream that "soon everything will be as it was before".

It's okay to live with hope. The main thing is that these hopes do not distract attention from the reality in which we continue to be. And our reality is the tangible advance of the enemy, his superiority in numbers and weapons, and a united alliance of enemy forces.

Maxim Zhorin

Maxim Zhorin

Deputy commander of the Third Assault Brigade

In such a reality, the only possible plan that every Ukrainian must follow is to gather all his strength and fight.

Zhorin warned that the situation at the front continues to escalate

Deputy commander of the Third Assault Brigade, ex-commander of the "Azov" regiment, Major Maksym Zhorin in an interview with Online.UA spoke about the difficult situation at the front, the fatality of potential negotiations with Russia and the problems faced by the Ukrainian army.

One of the main problems is that not so many civilians are aware of what is actually happening on the front and what the consequences may be.

According to Zhorin, despite the fact that Ukraine has much fewer resources than Russia, it has a chance to defeat the enemy and emerge victorious from this war.

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