General Staff Latest: Over 100 combat clashes occurred between AFU and Russia's army in 24 hrs
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General Staff Latest: Over 100 combat clashes occurred between AFU and Russia's army in 24 hrs

General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

During the past 24 hours, 128 combat clashes occurred between the Defence Forces and the Russian occupiers. The Russian army is trying to use its advantage in personnel, equipment, and air support.

Points of attention

  • In the Kharkiv direction, the Russian army carried out three airstrikes and unsuccessful assaults on the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
  • The Ukrainian military carried out successful defensive actions, destroying enemy equipment of the Russian Federation and preventing losses of the Armed Forces.
  • The general picture of the conflict shows the Ukrainian army's opposition to Russia and its protection of its native territory.

What is the situation at the front?

During the day, the enemy launched two missile attacks on the territory of Ukraine using ten missiles.

Russia also carried out 36 airstrikes with 50 glide bombs and used 373 kamikaze drones. At the same time, the enemy carried out 2,634 attacks on the positions of our troops and settlements using various types of weapons.

In the Kharkiv direction, the Russian occupiers, with the support of aviation, tried three times to storm the positions of our units in the Vovchansk, Liptsi, and Tykhe regions. All enemy attacks were unsuccessful.

According to the currently available information, an enemy air defence system, two artillery systems, 22 unmanned aerial vehicles, two vehicles, a ground control station of unmanned aerial vehicles and two warehouses with ammunition were destroyed. Also, two cars, an armored car and two artillery systems of the occupiers were damaged.

As of the evening of June 20, an enemy anti-aircraft missile, two artillery systems, 22 unmanned aerial vehicles, two vehicles, a ground control station of unmanned aerial vehicles and two warehouses with ammunition were destroyed. Also, two cars, an armoured car and two artillery systems of the occupiers were damaged.

What is known about the losses of the Russian army

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 210.06.24 approximately amounted to:

  • personnel — about 531,980 (+1,060) people,

  • tanks — 8001 (+14) units,

  • armoured combat vehicles — 15,372 (+35) units,

  • artillery systems — 14106 (+54) units,

  • MLRS — 1106 (+1) units,

  • air defence systems — 861 (+2) units,

  • aircraft — 359 (+0) units,

  • helicopters — 326 (+0) units,

  • UAV operational-tactical level — 11260 (+0),

  • cruise missiles — 2298 (+0),

  • warships/boats — 28 (+0) units,

  • submarines — 1 (+0) units,

  • vehicles and fuel tanks — 19,181 (+47) units,

  • special equipment — 2367 (+10)

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