General Staff Latest: Ukrainian military eliminated over 1,300 Russian soldiers and 22 tanks
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General Staff Latest: Ukrainian military eliminated over 1,300 Russian soldiers and 22 tanks

General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The Ukrainian military continues to eliminate Russian soldiers. The total number of losses of the Russian army since the beginning of the invasion is 515,000 troops.

Points of attention

  • The Ukrainian military eliminated over 1,300 Russian soldiers and 22 tanks, destroying a significant part of the aggressor's equipment and weapons.
  • The total number of losses of the Russian army during the invasion was 515,000 soldiers, which indicates the effectiveness of Ukraine's defence measures.
  • The Air Force and AFU artillery continue to attack Russian positions, demonstrating their high combat capability and dedication to the country's defence.

What is known about the losses of the Russian army

According to the General Staff, the Defence Forces destroyed 1,300 Russian invaders in a day, and the following equipment was destroyed:

  • tanks — 7,828 (+22) units;

  • armoured personnel vehicles — 15,076 (+40) units;

  • artillery systems — 13,433 (+48) units;

  • MLRS — 13433 (+48) units;

  • air defence equipment — 831 (+1) units;

  • aircraft — 357 units;

  • helicopters — 326 units;

  • UAV operational-tactical level — 10,846 (+41) units;

  • cruise missiles — 2,270 units;

  • warships/boats — 27 units;

  • submarines — 1 unit;

  • vehicles and fuel tanks — 18,360 (+63) units;

  • special equipment — 2230 (+7) units.

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What is the situation at the front?

Earlier, the General Staff informed us about the operational situation, stating that on June 5, 85 combat clashes took place at the front.

In addition, the military command drew attention to the fact that in the Pokrovsk direction, the Russian invaders do not stop trying to wedge themselves into the defense of the Ukrainian defenders.

In addition, according to the General Staff, on June 5, the Air Force and the missile troops and artillery of the Armed Forces of Ukraine hit 12 areas of personnel concentration, 1 area of equipment concentration, two UAV control points and one enemy radar station.

The State Border Service of Ukraine also said that on June 5, the Defence Forces repelled an enemy attack in the direction of Bakhmut, and some of the tanks were destroyed with the help of drones.

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