Georgian Legion Commander names reason of motivation for Georgians to fight for Ukraine
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Georgian Legion Commander names reason of motivation for Georgians to fight for Ukraine

Georgian Legion

In 2014, Mamuka Mamulashvili created and headed the "Georgian National Legion" to help the Ukrainian people preserve their independence in the war against Russia.

Mamuka told why Georgian volunteers fight for Ukraine and why its victory is so important for Georgia.

The motivation of Georgians to defend Ukraine

I have been in the war for almost 30 years. Unfortunately, this is the norm for my generation. If I could leave some advice for myself, I would write: "Keep fighting!".

I fight so that there is no war. The future generations did not have to go through what we went through.

Every person has the right to be free. This is the most expensive thing we have. In 2014, my heart told me to create the "Georgian Legion."

I decided to fight on Ukraine's side because Ukraine is a friend, and you cannot abandon friends.

Mamuka Mamulashvili

Mamuka Mamulashvili

Georgian Legion Commander

Georgia had to go the way that Ukraine is going now. The only ones who helped us were the Ukrainians.

I often spoke with the boys to understand their motivation to join the "Georgian Legion".

They realise that they are protecting Georgia in Ukraine. They know that if Ukraine loses the war, Georgia will be completely occupied.

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the "Georgian Legion" has remained one of Ukraine's most significant foreign formations. Russia wants to break our spirit and has opened more than 300 criminal cases against volunteers from Georgia.

What is known about the deceased volunteer from Georgia

On November 13, 2023, it became known that another volunteer from Georgia, Irakli Kurtsikidze, died in the war in Ukraine.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia confirmed his death.

The Georgian group commander in the Ukrainian SOF, Lt. Col. Vano Nadiradze, noted that "a Georgian officer died heroically two days ago." According to him, the volunteer's death was not reported "until the relatives found out."

The strongest and most talented Georgian officer fell heroically two days ago, we simply did not write until then, Sanamdi's family does not recognise him. Irakli Kurtsikidze, you left a great name in Ukraine, brother in the name of Georgia, the statement said.

Since February 2022, over 50 Georgian volunteers who fought on the side of the Ukrainian Armed Forces have died in the war in Ukraine.

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