German Chancellor Scholz revealed Putin's motives for invading Ukraine in 2022
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German Chancellor Scholz revealed Putin's motives for invading Ukraine in 2022

Olaf Scholz
Source:  Ukrinform

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz recalled how, before the start of a large-scale invasion of Ukraine, Kremlin dictator Vladimir Putin cynically justified the intentions of a criminal attack during a meeting with him.

Putin told Scholz that Ukraine and Belarus are part of Russia

According to Scholz, during a meeting in the Kremlin in February 2022, which lasted about four hours, Putin revealed to him his cynical motives for attacking Ukraine.

The German chancellor noted that then the Kremlin dictator did not hide his opinion that the borders of other countries could be changed with the help of force.

In particular, Putin tried to convince Scholz that Ukraine and Belarus are supposedly parts of Russia.

At the same time, the German chancellor added that Putin's henchman, self-proclaimed Belarusian dictator Oleksandr Lukashe,nko did not object to this.

In addition, Putin cited Kyiv's desire to join NATO as another reason for the attack on Ukraine.

Scholz then replied to Putin that this would not be discussed for at least the next 30 years.

Putin also told Scholz about the alleged "Nazi government in Ukraine."

To talk about this when the president is a Jew... It is worth imagining how absurd and shameful this explanation is for justifying the war, - Scholz comments on Putin's statements.

The chancellor noted that not only Ukrainians but also Russians died in the war. He is convinced that this is happening "just so that someday in the history textbooks, which he won't even be able to read, 100 years from now, it will be written that he conquered a couple of kilometres."

Stolz is against the strikes of Ukraine with Western weapons on Russian territory

Olaf Scholz spoke out against allowing Ukraine to use Western weapons on Russian territory.

The Chancellor of Germany said that he sees no reason to permit Ukraine to strike the territory of the aggressor country with weapons received from Western partners.

Scholz emphasised that "clear rules were agreed upon with Ukraine regarding the supply of German weapons, and they are working."

He also stated that the goal of his policy regarding Ukraine is to "prevent it from becoming a big war."

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