Germany to supply unique air defence tank to Ukraine: details
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Germany to supply unique air defence tank to Ukraine: details

Leopard 2A5 tank
Source:  The Telegraph

The German manufacturer of military equipment Rheinmetall will hand over to Ukraine a new "Frankenstein" tank, designed to destroy drones and missiles.

Points of attention

  • The German manufacturer Rheinmetall will hand over the Frankenstein anti-aircraft tank to Ukraine for the destruction of drones and missiles.
  • The equipment has the Skyranger air defence system and can intercept air targets at short distances.
  • Ukraine has already received a hundred Leopard 1 tanks but needs additional help improving air defence.
  • Analysts emphasise the decreasing attention of the world community to the situation in Ukraine with the continuation of Russian aggression.
  • Journalists emphasise the importance of covering events in Ukraine despite the decline in informational interest.

What is known about the anti-aircraft tank "Frankenstein", which Ukraine is to receive

It is noted that Rheinmetall specialists installed the most modern Skyranger air defense system on Leopard 1 tank hulls and plan to transfer these hybrid installations to the Ukrainian military.

It is noted that these installations are capable of intercepting aerial targets of the criminal army of the Russian Federation in Ukraine at short distances.

These hybrid tanks can intercept enemy drones and suppress enemy artillery fire.

There are still many Leopard 1 main battle tanks on the chassis of which we could install a Skyranger turret with a 35mm automatic gun, says Rheinmetall's head of land systems Björn Bernhard.

According to the publication, the Ukrainian military has already received about a hundred basic Leopard 1 tanks.

However, Ukraine is calling on allies to help strengthen its air defence.

We focus on the long-term perspective in Ukraine. "We don't just supply equipment and then take it out — we show that we will be there constantly and support Ukraine," said Bernhard.

Which, according to Western analysts, is Ukraine's biggest problem in the war against the Russian Federation

According to Paul Ronzheimer, the deputy editor-in-chief of the German publication Bild, Ukraine's biggest problem at the moment, given Russia's continuation of the criminal war, is the decrease in the world community's attention.

The biggest problem for Ukraine is a decline in attention. I see it in my American colleagues. They tell me that some TV channels, which at the beginning of the war had hundreds of people there, now sometimes have no international reporters or correspondents. So for me, as a reporter, it is a kind of moral obligation to continue going there, watching and giving people a voice, — the German journalist emphasises.

He emphasized that journalists tend to prematurely recognize a topic as if it is not interesting to anyone.

But we see in social networks that everything is not so simple. There are many people who are interested in the course of events, the destinies of people, what is happening there... On the other hand, many really have the feeling that it is impossible to listen to bad news, to be afraid. And they turn off. This is already the third year, Ronzheimer emphasised.

According to him, even at the beginning of the criminal invasion, the Kremlin dictator Vladimir Putin determined that he had much more time than Ukraine's Western partners.

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