In Belarus, they suddenly started checking the combat capability of aviation and air defense
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In Belarus, they suddenly started checking the combat capability of aviation and air defense

In Belarus, they suddenly started checking the combat capability of aviation and air defense

In Belarus, a new stage of checking the combat readiness of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces has begun. It started on September 30.

Points of attention

  • In Belarus, a new check of the combat readiness of military units of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces began.
  • In his statement, Lukashenko expressed threats about the possible use of nuclear weapons as a response to threats from NATO.
  • It is possible to temporarily restrict the movement of civilian transport during the movement of military equipment in Belarus.
  • Lukashenka's actions and statements about the possible use of nuclear weapons create tension in the region and threaten world peace.

What is known about the air defense inspection and reservist recruitment in Belarus

As the "Belarusian Gayun" monitoring group reports, during the inspection, the main focus will be on the readiness and ability of military units and units of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces to perform their tasks.

Accordingly, 2 anti-aircraft missile and 2 radio engineering brigades, 5 anti-aircraft missile regiments and 3 air bases can be involved in the inspection, the message says.

The Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus also stated that the movement of military equipment is planned during the inspection. In connection with this, it is possible to temporarily restrict the movement of civil transport on public roads and areas of the area.

Lukashenko flaunts "nuclear aid" to Russia

The dictator of Belarus cynically boasts that Russia will "fit in" for Belarus and direct nuclear weapons at NATO countries.

I said on the forum that an attack on Belarus is the third world war. Thank you, Putin recently confirmed this by amending the nuclear doctrine that an attack on the Russian Federation and Belarus means that we use nuclear weapons. He confirmed my words. This was the essence of my statement. Nuclear weapons. And the Russian Federation is involved for us.

Lukashenko also "prophesies" that allegedly "the Americans and Poles have already lined up along the border, especially the Polish one, and are rubbing hands" to use their military forces against Belarus.

We will use nuclear weapons — they can answer us. And regarding the Russian Federation, in particular. Therefore, Russia will use its entire arsenal. And this is already a world war. The West does not want this either. They are not ready for this. But we tell them frankly: the red line is the state border. They will step on him — the answer will be instantaneous, — said the illegitimate president of the Republic of Belarus.

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