In Belarus, they want to punish for insulting the ex-president. What is Lukashenko preparing for?
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In Belarus, they want to punish for insulting the ex-president. What is Lukashenko preparing for?

Source:  Radio Svoboda

Ambiguous proposals for changes to the Criminal Code, developed on behalf of Lukashenka, appeared on the National Legal Portal of Belarus.

Points of attention

  • Belarus is considering introducing laws that could punish individuals for insulting the ex-president and his family, demonstrating Lukashenko's focus on ensuring his safety after his term ends.
  • The proposed legal changes in Belarus raise concerns about further restrictions on freedom of speech and dissent, highlighting potential threats to democratic rights under Lukashenko's leadership.
  • Lukashenko's comments on the potential collapse of Russia and the unity of CIS countries underscore his apprehensions about regional stability and external influences on Belarus.
  • Elections in Belarus under Lukashenko's rule have faced international criticism for irregularities and political persecution, which has cast doubts on his legitimacy as the president.
  • The development of ambiguous legal proposals reflects Lukashenko's efforts to maintain control and address perceived threats to his security, hinting at a potentially challenging political landscape in Belarus.

Lukashenko thought about his security after the end of his political career

Article 366-1 of the Criminal Code will be called "Violence or threats against the President of the Republic of Belarus, the President of the Republic of Belarus, who has ceased to exercise his powers." The article also provides for responsibility for violence or threats to members of his family.

Violence against them (or threats) or damage to their property is proposed to be punished with 3 to 5 years of "chemistry" or 3 to 8 years in prison.

Among other ideas, there are proposals to supplement articles 367 (slander the president) and 368 (insult the president). The articles will mention the "former president".

The draft law will be considered by the parliament, in case of a positive vote, Lukashenko will sign the document.

After the introduction of the position of president in the Republic of Belarus in 1994, this position was held by only one person — Oleksandr Lukashenko. The elections of all recent years have been declared invalid by the world democratic community due to numerous cases of vote falsification and political persecution of dissenters. European and American politicians have repeatedly emphasized that Lukashenko holds power in the state illegally.

Lukashenko has already started talking about the collapse of Russia

The self-proclaimed president of Belarus, Oleksandr Lukashenko, said that Russia's defeat in the Kremlin's criminal war against Ukraine would allegedly affect all CIS countries.

The situation may develop in such a way that any of us — the state — cannot do without this unity. And if we do not understand this today, we will be dealt with individually. But if Russia falls, we will all be drawn into this abyss.

Lukashenko also began to complain that some countries of the former USSR were allegedly moving away from unity due to fear of Western sanctions.

Recently, such a situation has arisen, in particular in connection with the holding of the SVO in Ukraine, that many people — both leaders and law enforcement officers, which absolutely should not be the case — began to look for some benefit for themselves in this. You know, guys, based on my experience, I will say that life is so turbulent now and very changeable. Many are looking for profit, in particular, departing from our general development trend created during the Soviet era. Dejak: "We will stay away from Russia, it is under sanctions. We are somehow afraid of falling under them and so on... We are looking for our own benefit." Don't do this.

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