In Germany, it is proposed to intensify the peace talks between Ukraine and Russia
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In Germany, it is proposed to intensify the peace talks between Ukraine and Russia

Source:  Rheinische Post

The leader of the faction of the Social Democratic Party of Germany in the Bundestag, Rolf Mützenich, proposes to create an international contact group to initiate peace talks to end the war in Ukraine.

Points of attention

  • The leader of the Social Democratic Party of Germany in the Bundestag proposes the creation of an international contact group to initiate peace talks between Ukraine and Russia.
  • Involving China, India, Turkey, and Brazil in the peace negotiations may positively influence the resolution of the conflict in Ukraine.
  • The warning against Russia's brutal attacks on Ukraine's energy infrastructure and the potential refugee crisis underscores the urgency for peaceful resolution and dialogue.
  • The call for Western Allies to take the initiative in starting a contact group for peace talks highlights the importance of collaborative efforts in conflict resolution.
  • The proposal for Russia to be present at the next Peace Summit, along with Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, aims to accelerate efforts towards peace and stability in the region.

In the German Bundestag, there was talk of peace negotiations between Ukraine and the Russian Federation

According to the politician, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy agree that now is the time to step up efforts towards peace talks, and that Russia should also be present at the next Peace Summit.

I really welcome it. It also gives other countries an opportunity to become more committed to a cessation of hostilities. In my view, it is time for the Western Allies to initiate a contact group to begin the process.

Commenting on the possible composition of such a contact group, he noted that he considers such countries as China, India, Turkey and Brazil to be "responsible". According to the parliamentarian, the belief that the Russian war of aggression can become a "burden" is growing in these states.

Therefore, the work of the contact group can be promising and play an important mediating role.

He also warned that Russia's brutal attacks on Ukraine's energy infrastructure pose huge challenges for the country next winter. If this continues, hundreds of thousands of refugees could go to Germany again.

Mützenich's name became widely known in Ukraine in March of this year after his speech in the Bundestag, when he declared:

Isn't it time not only to talk about how to wage war, but to start thinking about how to freeze the war and eventually end it.

At that time, this was the first such statement in the democratic camp of the Federal Republic of Germany, before such "peace-making" appeals were made exclusively by far-right and far-left political forces.

Scholz came under fire from his own party

Conflicts in the political power of the current German leader began after the publication of a new poll by the sociological institute Forschungsgruppe Wahlen.

As it turned out, no German chancellor in the last 34 years had such a low approval rating.

77% consider Scholz a "weak leader" who cannot get his way.

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