A car of Russian military unit chief was blown up in Rostov— video
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A car of Russian military unit chief was blown up in Rostov— video

A car of Russian military unit chief was blown up in Rostov— video
Source:  online.ua

On June 14, the car of a high-ranking military officer exploded in the Rostov region of the Russian Federation. It is noted that the car suddenly burst into flames on the road.

Points of attention

  • In Millerovo, Rostov region, a car with the chief of staff of the military unit Sobesky on board exploded.
  • It is known beforehand that the driver managed to get out of the vehicle.
  • Official comments from emergency services and law enforcement agencies have not yet been received.
  • Earlier in Shebekino, three occupiers and a propagandist TV channel operator were seriously injured.

What is known about the detonation of a military vehicle of the Russian Federation

According to rosZMI, a car exploded in Millerovo, Rostov region. According to local residents, the car caught fire on the road and exploded after a while.

It is known beforehand that the chief of staff of the military unit, Vadym Sobesky, was in the car. The man managed to jump out of the burning vehicle.

There have been no official comments from emergency services and law enforcement agencies yet.

Three occupiers and a propagandist were blown up by a landmine in Russian Shebekino

In the Russian city of Shebekino, Belgorod region, three occupiers and the operator of the propaganda TV channel "Russia 24" were detonated by a mine.

According to the so-called governor of the Belgorod region, Vyacheslav Gladkov, an employee of the propaganda TV channel has shrapnel wounds to the abdomen and left shoulder, and is currently undergoing surgery.

Three so-called "participants of self-defense" were also injured. One of them has a shrapnel injury to his limbs.

According to doctors, NTV employees suffered open craniocerebral injuries and are in the operating room. The head doctor of Horlivka City Hospital No. 2 said that the wounded are now in a coma.

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