DIU scout calls artillery fire on his own position to save his comrades in arms
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DIU scout calls artillery fire on his own position to save his comrades in arms

Kraken fighter
Source:  The Times

A fighter of the special unit of the the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine (DIU) "Kraken" with the call sign "Drago" told journalists how the offensive of the Russian army in the Kharkiv region is ongoing.

What is happening in the Kharkiv region

A fighter of the special unit of the DIU "Kraken" with the call sign "Drago" told journalists how cunning and resourceful the Russian offensive in the Kharkiv region is.

The new offensive of Russian soldiers on the Kharkiv region began when enemy special forces groups, under the cover of artillery fire, penetrated through Ukrainian strongholds at night in one of the border areas and began to attack our forces from the rear.

We saw how they worked professionally and harmoniously — it was at a high level. They had Kalashnikov assault rifles of the latest model, night vision devices. All their movement was covered by accurate fire, says Drago.

It was then that a group of six Ukrainian fighters led by Drago found themselves surrounded by an enemy that was numerically superior.

Counting on the strength of the dugouts, the scouts unexpectedly called the fire of Ukrainian artillery on their position.

It worked. Artillery killed at least three of them, and the Russians retreated. Then our reinforcement group arrived,” recalls the soldier.

Photo: DIUkraine

The DIU soldier disclosed the details of the heavy close combats with the Russian invaders

After the feat of the scout, close shooting battles began.

Two friends and comrades-in-arms of Drago from the reinforcement group were seriously wounded — the scout managed to save one of them by dragging him to the trench.

Another Ukrainian soldier died a brave death. Honor and eternal glory! A group of scouts held positions in the village of Krasne, Kharkiv region, for 16 hours, which allowed the Security and Defence Forces of Ukraine to regroup, stabilise the situation and deter the enemy from further advance,” the report says.

It is worth noting that Drago was awarded the Order "For Courage" of the III degree for his combat actions.

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