Is Kyiv threatened by polluted water from the Seimas and Desna ― the answer of the Ministry of Environment
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Is Kyiv threatened by polluted water from the Seimas and Desna ― the answer of the Ministry of Environment

Consequences of pollution of the Seim and Desna

According to Oleksandr Krasnolutskyi, the first deputy head of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources, a patch of polluted water from the Seim and Desna rivers, which is heading in the direction of Kyiv region, may not directly reach Kyiv.

Points of attention

  • Polluted water from the Seim and Desna rivers may not directly reach Kyiv due to dilution with clean water and the ongoing purification process.
  • The Ministry of Environment assures that Kyiv is not threatened by the polluted water from Seim and Desna, as the concentration of contaminants is expected to decrease significantly before reaching the region.
  • Experts are implementing measures such as aeration and relying on the Desna's tributaries to slow down the movement of polluted water and reduce pollution levels, minimizing the risk of contamination in Kyiv.
  • The pollution, caused by organic substances entering Ukraine through the Seim River, has reached the Chernihiv region but is being diluted by the Desna River, reducing the concentration and smell of contaminants in the water.
  • Kyivvodokanal is prepared to clean the water if the pollution from Seim and Desna rivers reaches the capital, ensuring the safety of water supply for Kyiv residents.

Why Kyiv residents should not be afraid of polluted water from the Seimas and Desna

Krasnolutskyi emphasized that at the moment when the approach of a spot of polluted water from the Seim and Desna will be recorded in the Kyiv region, the concentration of dirt in the water will already be significantly lower.

The official noted that the level of pollution in the Seim River is currently decreasing, in particular, the level of oxygen in the water is increasing.

At the same time, the ingress of polluted water to the Desna River continues.

The Ministry of Environment assessed the threat of contaminated water approaching Kyiv from the Seimas and Desna
Consequences of contamination of the Seimas and Desna

Krasnolutskyi explained that since the stain of polluted water has no analogy with oil stains when oil products get into the water, its spread cannot be delayed in any way.

According to a senior official of the Ministry of Environment, the level of pollution can be partially reduced by diluting it with clean water.

However, he noted that there are no reservoirs with such a large volume of clean water in the Sumy and Chernihiv regions.

How is cleaning of polluted water in Desna carried out in Ukraine

Krasnolutskyi added that experts are currently carrying out aeration, which allows to partially slow down the movement of polluted water and reduce the level of pollution.

In addition, Desna has its tributaries, which will dilute this concentration. The Desna is much larger than the Seim, so our scientists and experts are of the opinion that this stain may not reach Kyiv, and if it does, there will definitely not be such a high concentration as was observed in the Seim river and which we are observing in Chernihiv, — emphasizes deputy head of the Ministry of Environment.

On August 14, the pollution of the territory began to be recorded in the Seim River, and laboratory studies showed that it is caused by organic substances.

If you observe the satellite images and this is confirmed by the data of the analysis, then, most likely, these were emissions of sewage from a sugar factory located on the territory of the Russian Federation, — suggests Krasnolutskyi.

According to him, contaminated water entered Ukraine through the Seim River. He noted that today the pollution has reached the Chernihiv region and is moving towards Kyiv.

Due to the dilution of the water by the Desna River, it is no longer a complete pollution, but there are certain fragmentations and the concentration and smell are decreasing, — emphasizes Krasnolutskyi.

He also noted that swimming and fishing in Desna are currently prohibited.

According to him, "Kyivvodokanal" is ready to clean the water in case the pollution reaches the capital.

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