Kadyrov began to prepare successors after Putin, media investigation says
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Kadyrov began to prepare successors after Putin, media investigation says

Source:  online.ua

Rumours about the serious illness of the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, appeared last year. Even though Putin's protégé is still in power, the investigation of the "Project" indicates that he may soon lose it.

Points of attention

  • The investigation shows that Ramzan Kadyrov's health has deteriorated, and he is already preparing successors.
  • Members of the Kadyrov family occupy key positions in Chechnya, and some of them are not even 18 years old.
  • An analysis of personnel changes in the Kremlin indicates Putin's preparation for the loss of power, dismissal and appointment of close relatives to positions in the government.

Kadyrov could not overcome his illness

As journalists managed to find out, the head of Chechnya had and still has kidney problems, but he solved them, at least for a while.

There is a high probability that Kadyrov's health condition has deteriorated again, because in recent weeks he has appeared in public with swelling.

Moreover, he often could not speak clearly during speeches.

In the course of a large-scale investigation by the Project, it became known that Putin's protégé is already actively preparing successors because he is aware that he may die suddenly.

It is essential to understand that his family members hold all high-ranking positions in the republic. Kadyrov is not embarrassed that some of them are not even 18 years old.

According to journalists, illness caused Kadyrov to take such decisive actions.

Putin is also preparing successors to his regime

According to ISW analysts, Russian dictator Vladimir Putin realised that he would lose sole power sooner or later and began looking for a replacement.

The American Institute for the Study of War reached this conclusion after analyzing the Kremlin's latest staff reshuffles.

First of all, it is said that the illegitimate president of the Russian Federation fired 4 deputy ministers of defense and replaced them with a "close relative", the son of the former prime minister of Russia and an economist.

We are talking about Anna Tsivilova, Pavel Fradkov, and First Deputy Minister of Defense Leonid Gornin.

According to analysts, Tsivilyova is Putin's first cousin, the wife of the recently appointed Minister of Energy Serhiy Tsivilyov.

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