Largest Moscow internet provider faces bankruptcy after DIU cyber attack
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Largest Moscow internet provider faces bankruptcy after DIU cyber attack


One of the largest Internet providers in Moscow and the region, "Rialcom" company, may go bankrupt due to a hacker attack by the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine (DIU).

Points of attention

  • The Defence Intelligence of Ukraine (DIU) and a civilian cyber group led to a large-scale disruption in the work of Moscow's largest Internet provider.
  • The cyberattack disabled 10,200 ISP switches, destroyed customer databases and blocked the company's website.
  • The attack's consequences included the termination of Internet services for thousands of the company's customers, including large enterprises and government institutions.
  • The company's losses have already exceeded 178 million rubles, and even greater losses are expected due to customer claims demanding compensation for damages.
  • Customers are complaining about merging their data, and hackers are warning that the final losses may exceed 200 million rubles.

What is known about the Ukrainian cyberattack on Moscow's Internet provider

It is noted that at the beginning of the week, the Ukrainian cyber group BO Team, in cooperation with the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, conducted a large-scale DoS attack on the servers of state institutions of the Russian Federation and large companies that sponsor Russian aggression.

In particular, it was about blocking access to the electronic services of the State Services website and a number of ministries, such as the Ministries of Defence, Finance, Internal Affairs, Justice, Industry and Energy of Russia. In addition, the website and services of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation were blocked.

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The enemy will never be able to correct some of the consequences of the Ukrainian cyber attack. This applies to one of the largest Internet providers in Moscow and the Moscow region — the company "Rialcom", — the hackers report.

What are the consequences of an attack on the provider

According to the cyber group BO Team statement, which took responsibility for the cyber attack, 10,200 provider switches were disabled, customer databases were destroyed, and the company's website was disabled.

All this led to the suspension of Internet and communication services for several days for 3,452 legal entities and tens of thousands of individuals. Clients' personal accounts and service payment services resumed work only on June 3-4. Many clients of "Rialcom" are large representatives of private business and the public sector.

Also, personal data of users, including confidential ones — logins, passwords, visited sites, was "merged" into the network. The facts of the leaking of certain FSB data have been recorded.

Also, the company's clients complain about the mass mailing of unwanted content, and one of the managers of "Rialkom", Alexandr Belov, tries to convince service users of the inviolability of the client base.

According to the available information, the total losses of "Rialcom" exceeded 178 million rubles (almost 2 million dollars), but to this should also be added the losses of the company's customers, who are demanding compensation for damages. Hackers are sure that the final losses can go far beyond the mark of 200 million rubles (over 2.2 million dollars).

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