Macron changed his position on Ukraine, wanting to become new Europe's leader - The Times
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Macron changed his position on Ukraine, wanting to become new Europe's leader - The Times

Source:  The Times

The Sunday Times suggests that French President Emmanuel Macron's loud statements about the possible introduction of Western troops into Ukraine are an attempt by the politician to transform himself into the new leader of Europe.

Macron wants to make history, but he chooses strange ways

Foreign political scientists draw attention to the fact that French Ambassador Pierre Levy was present at the inauguration of the illegitimate Russian President Vladimir Putin. At the same time, other European countries ignored this event.

Macron's decision to send Levy to the ceremony seems rather strange, given the fact that official Paris has taken a tougher stance towards Moscow.

According to journalists, the French president is currently taking a destructive approach to foreign policy, advancing one initiative after another and driving his partners in the international arena to a dead end.

He is worried about Europe, whose future prosperity and security, in his opinion, are no longer guaranteed in a world increasingly dominated by the United States and China — especially if Donald Trump returns to the White House in November, the publication notes.

Why did Macron challenge Putin?

Macron wants to be Churchill... I'm sure he would like to go down in history as the man who woke up Europe, Michel Yakovleff, a retired French general, expressed his opinion on this matter.

On his conviction, Macron felt that Germany and Great Britain were gradually losing their influence, so he decided to seize the moment and bring France to the forefront of the countries that determine the fate of Europe and humanity in general.

It's just that now the French leader has the opportunity to set the game's rules. He has many ideas for this, but not everyone likes them.

One of the most controversial was the proposal to introduce Western troops into Ukraine. It seems that this proposal was caused by the frustration that while Putin is threatening nuclear war, the West is holding back and saying what they will not do for fear of provoking the Russian dictator, the publication writes.

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