Negotiations with Putin are currently impossible. Podolyak gave three reasons
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Negotiations with Putin are currently impossible. Podolyak gave three reasons

Negotiations with Putin are currently impossible. Podolyak gave three reasons
Source:  Mykhailo Podolyak

There are three fundamental reasons why any dialogue between Ukraine and the Russian dictator Putin for the time being will be empty and will not create the foundations for a just peace.

Points of attention

  • Russia has lost trust due to violations of agreements and military actions, so it is impossible to trust the Kremlin.
  • Ukraine estimates the damage from the war in the billions of dollars, but Russia is not ready to pay compensation without international control.
  • Putin is not immune from war crimes, but refuses to be investigated, complicating negotiations and peace agreements.
  • In the event of a suspension of the war, negotiations with Russia may have tragic consequences, since the risk of a new strike is great.
  • Systematic pressure on Ukraine to negotiate with Russia can lead to catastrophic consequences for the country in the future.

Podolyak named the reasons why Ukraine's dialogue with Putin will be empty at the moment

Impossibility to trust Russia

Mykhailo Podoliaka, adviser to the head of the President's Office, noted that in 1928, the Litvinov Pact was signed at the initiative of the Kremlin, which provided for the renunciation of war as a means of state policy.

Despite this, the USSR and its successor Russia unleashed dozens of wars and violated hundreds of agreements, including the Budapest Memorandum of 1994 and the Agreement on the Ukrainian-Russian border of 2003, Podoliak recalled.

The problem of fair reparations

Podolyak also notes that Ukraine's losses since the beginning of the war are estimated at between 700 billion and 1 trillion dollars.

Russia is unable to pay such compensation on its own, so an international monitoring mechanism is needed, similar to the one under which Iraq deducted interest from oil and gas revenues for Kuwait after the 1990-1991 occupation. However, the creation of such a mechanism is possible only with the cooperation of the aggressor state, as was the case in Iraq, where for this it was necessary to remove from power, arrest and execute Saddam Hussein. The conclusion regarding Putin is obvious.

Impossibility of punishing war criminals

The main criminal in Russia is Putin. According to the statute of the International Criminal Court, the head of the Kremlin does not have immunity for war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide. This means that he will resist the investigation to the last and will not betray his subordinates.

All wars end, after which negotiations begin and peace agreements are signed. The only obstacle on this path is one person, whose name is already written in history in blood, — wrote Podolyak.

Deputy Commander of the Third Assault Force Zhorin predicted the most likely outcome of the negotiations between Ukraine and the Russian Federation

Deputy commander of the Third Assault Brigade, ex-commander of the "Azov" regiment, Major Maksym Zhorin, in an interview with Online.UA, stated that Ukraine is being systematically pushed to start negotiations with Russia, but it is important to understand that they will have catastrophic consequences.

According to Zhorin, he has the impression that Ukrainians are gradually being "moved in the direction of negotiations."

Against this background, it is important to realize that it is the Russians who really want our society to have a discussion on this issue.

Zhorin also warned that potential negotiations with Russia will most likely have a tragic ending for Ukraine. Because it is said that the aggressor country will demand a conditional break, which it will use to prepare for a new powerful strike.

But the second time will be much more difficult for us. And when there will be a second blow — after that we may not get up. This is dangerous. Therefore, I believe that there should be no negotiations today at all.

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