Nemesis Group fighter "Dzhanych" urges Armenians for support and unity in struggle against Russia
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Nemesis Group fighter "Dzhanych" urges Armenians for support and unity in struggle against Russia

Nemesis Group fighter "Dzhanych" addressed Armenians

Nemesis Group fighter Felix "Dzhanych" shared a powerful message to Armenians in an interview with Online. UA.

Points of attention

  • Nemesis Group fighter Felix 'Dzhanich' addressed a powerful message to Armenians, calling for support and unity in the fight against Russia.
  • The members of the Nemesis Group are descendants of the Bagratuni kingdom, which actively participated in the war of defence of Ukraine and showed a real motivation to defend their homeland.
  • Felix 'Dzhanych' emphasises the importance of supporting each other, uniting in the fight, creating history, and becoming legends.
  • Armenian volunteers who fight for Ukraine come to communicate with the Nemesis Group, motivated to defend their homeland and the truth.
  • According to fighter Felix "Dzhanich", every country has its history, but it is important to unite and fight for justice.

How "Dzhanych" addressed the Armenians

The Nemesis Group is a community of Ukrainian Armenians who are descendants of the Bagratuni kingdom, who have been directly involved in combat operations in the war against Russia since the first days of the full-scale invasion. Our chevrons depict Ashot the Iron - the king of Armenia from the Bagratuni family, and the patron of the Armenian army.

You don't need to be afraid of what they say outside the front, how scary it is, how everything else is. I want to say it's scary, even for the military. I used to be scared, and my brothers and everyone were frightened. But we are writing history, that Ukrainian who is shown on TV, given medals, wrote history, and was an ordinary boy.

Felix "Dzhanych"

Felix "Dzhanych"

Nemesis Group fighter

According to him, it is vital to support each other.

You don't have to listen to what they say. Love your boys, support them, and who really feels the power - go and fight alongside such boys who write history and become legends, become heroes. Because being with such people is a thrill, you get such motivation, which is unreal, - said the fighter.

In addition, Felix "Dzhanych" wished all Armenians and Ukrainians good luck.

So that the war in our Armenia ends as soon as possible, everything fell into place, as it should be, and I thank my brothers who stand in defense of Ukraine, I am cordial to them, whom I know and whom I do not know, I have not yet met, glory to all, they are beautiful, - he added.

"Dzhanych" revealed the motivation of Armenia volunteers fighting for Ukraine against Russia

As the Nemesis Group fighter points out, he does communicate with many of them.

Felix "Dzhanych" says that Armenian volunteers go out to their community independently because they monitor the Nemesis Group's activities and successes.

The motivation of such soldiers is always the same — to defend their homeland, to defend Ukraine, and to stand up for the truth.

Because, I will emphasize one point, as it turns out, during this war it became clear that each country has its own history, each has such a feeling, as if everyone lived in their own world, on their own globe, and had their own history, and no one else did not know. And then they dumped everyone on the same land, and that's it: "I have my own story, I don't have my own," explains Felix "Dzhanych".

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