Netherlands seeks Patriot system for Ukraine
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Netherlands seeks Patriot system for Ukraine


The Netherlands and other countries that own Patriot air defence systems decided to assemble such an installation as soon as possible and present it to Ukraine.

The Netherlands wants to assemble and transfer the Patriot system to Ukraine shortly

The Netherlands is ready to provide major components and parts from its stockpile for the Patriot installation. European allies are asked to contribute and add the necessary components from their stockpiles. Negotiations are already underway.

We are negotiating with partners regarding the configuration of the Patriot system, including the training of Ukrainian crews. With our proposal and consultations with partner countries that provide several key parts and ammunition, we can provide Ukraine with at least one fully operational system in a short period of time, said the country's Minister of Defence Kajsa Ollongren.

The Dutch government has said it knows about the shortage of Patriot systems. However, it noted that Ukraine is also fighting for Europe and that Ukraine's military capabilities, energy production and vital infrastructure are under daily attack.

Dutch Defence Minister Kajsa Ollongren said that industrial suppliers had committed to speeding up the production and delivery of spare components.

What is known about Patriot for Ukraine

The Patriot system is an anti-aircraft missile system that plays a vital role in air defence. They are essential for Ukraine, which is under missile fire from Russia, because they can shoot down ballistic missiles.

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken previously said that Washington is paying close attention to Patriot and other air defence systems.

At the end of February 2024, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that the transfer of ten Patriot air defence systems to Kyiv would radically change the situation in the war. In April, he said that Ukraine needs 25 Patriot systems to completely close the sky from air attacks.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba repeatedly called on foreign partners to transfer 5-7 Patriot systems to Ukraine and called this number the minimum necessary.

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