Orban cynically accuses Ukraine of trying to bring entire world into war against Russia
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Orban cynically accuses Ukraine of trying to bring entire world into war against Russia


Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban said that his country should stay away from the war, in which, according to him, Ukrainians will involve the EU and even the whole world.

Points of attention

  • Orban accuses Ukraine of trying to bring the entire world into a war with Russia.
  • According to him, Hungary should avoid a war in which the Ukrainians would be involved in the EU and the world.
  • Orbán supports disarmament in EU countries and calls for an end to the spread of war.
  • Europe should strive for its disarmament, not the expansion of nuclear weapons, the Hungarian Prime Minister believes.
  • Russia launched a cyber attack on the Hungarian government.

Orban proposes to disarm EU countries

The Prime Minister of Hungary repeated his well-known position that everything must be done to stop the spread of the war.

Ukrainians believe that the more countries they can get involved in the war against the Russians, the greater the chances of victory so that they will affect the European Union or even the whole world in the war. From the Ukrainian national point of view, the escalation of the war is logical.

Viktor Orban

Viktor Orban

Prime Minister of Hungary

However, he said that Hungarians should stay out of the war because getting involved would be against Hungarian national interests.

Viktor Orban also reminded that there is no large European nuclear arsenal on the territory of Europe, but there is an American one, scaring the Europeans with possible nuclear strikes by Russia.

If there was ever a nuclear war between Russia and the United States of America, the Americans would shoot only from Europe. And in a nuclear war, one side will fire back where the other is firing. From this it follows that the Americans will never even retaliate against the Russians from the territory of the USA, but will always do it from the territory of Europe. Instead of spreading nuclear weapons, Europe should strive for its disarmament, — believes the Prime Minister of Hungary.

Russia launched a cyber attack on the Hungarian government — how Orbán's team is reacting

On May 31, an extraordinary session of the Parliament of Hungary took place, during which a powerful Russian cyber attack on the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs was discussed.

Journalists noted that representatives of the political party "Fidesz", which is led by the head of the government of Hungary, Viktor Orbán, ignored the extraordinary session of the parliament on May 31, dedicated to the Russian cyber attack on the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2022.

At the centre of the general discussion was the cyber attack on the information system of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as the discussion of the possible resignation of the President of the Republic, Tomasz Šuyok, due to his alleged involvement in dubious deals on the sale of land.

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