Policeman killed after Russian today's strike on Vovchansk
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Policeman killed after Russian today's strike on Vovchansk

Ihor Klymenko

Russian terrorists hit a car of law enforcement officers in Vovchansk, who were planning to evacuate civilians.

What is known about shelling in Vovchansk during an evacuation

As a result of the impact, a policeman died, and his colleague was injured.

The occupiers hit the evacuation vehicle with an FPV drone. At that moment, there were two police officers in the car who were going to rescue civilians, Klymenko said.

The Internal Affairs Minister added that the enemy constantly uses drones, in connection with which the evacuation groups of law enforcement officers are constantly at risk.

But the police continue to take people out of the shelling. They save despite the risks to their own lives and health. This self-sacrifice should always be remembered, the minister added.

Evacuation from the Kharkiv region

The Russians are conducting their offensive in the north of the Kharkiv region, so the Ukrainian authorities are trying to evacuate the civilian population from dangerous areas quickly.

The government reported that persons evacuating from dangerous areas of the Kharkiv region could once again receive payments as displaced persons.

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