Polish MFA's chief says ammo delivery to Ukraine under Czech proposal is already being organised
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Polish MFA's chief says ammo delivery to Ukraine under Czech proposal is already being organised

Radoslaw Sikorski
Source:  Wnp.pl

The organisation of the delivery of ammunition to Ukraine within the framework of the Czech initiative has already begun.

Preparation for ammunition transportation

Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs Radoslaw Sikorski informed about the preparation.

The Czech initiative has already received firm, cash-backed pledges of support, and transportation is already being organised, so we feel the responsibility of helping Ukraine fight the Russian invasion.

Radoslaw Sikorski

Radoslaw Sikorski

Polish MFA chief

At the same time, Sikorski said that Poland "will double its contribution to the Czech initiative for the purchase of ammunition for Ukraine" but refused to name specific amounts, calling it a "military secret".

I do not feel authorised to speak about specific amounts.

When asked about the extent of the current threat from Russia and the likelihood of an invasion of Poland, Sikorski said:

Explosions of Russian missiles headed for Lviv are heard in Poland. I don't think I need to explain what this means.

Czech Ammunition Procurement Initiative

The Czech ammunition initiative envisages the purchase of at least 800,000 artillery rounds from countries outside the EU.

The President of the Czech Republic, Petr Pavel, spoke about it in February 2024 and called for funding for this initiative.

The details are kept secret. The countries that contributed the funds for the purchase are known, but not those that sell the ammunition.

Also recently, the Czech MFA chief, Jan Lipavsky, said that 1.5 million shells could be transferred to Ukraine instead of 800,000 as part of the initiative.

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