Putin's henchman is implementing the dictator's new plan for Ukraine in Germany
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Putin's henchman is implementing the dictator's new plan for Ukraine in Germany

Sara Wagenknecht
Source:  tagesspiegel.de

The Russian lobby is starting to work more and more actively in Germany. First of all, we are talking about the left-wing radical leader of the German BSW party, Sara Wagenknecht, who is often called "Putin's friend" by journalists. This time she proposed a pro-Russian "peace plan" for Ukraine.

Points of attention

  • The plan includes a proposal to stop arms supplies to Ukraine.
  • What's more, Wagenknecht demands Volodymyr Zelenskyi's team to be ready for compromises and negotiations.
  • Her position and party support may affect the political situation in Germany.

What is known about another pro-Russian "peace plan" for Ukraine

Wagenknecht calls on the West to offer the illegitimate president of the Russian Federation, Putin, the following plan: Kyiv's allies will stop supplying weapons to Ukraine if the dictator "agrees to an immediate ceasefire on the current front line."

Moreover, it promotes the idea that negotiations should be started regarding the territories occupied by Russia.

And then you will have to negotiate about what is happening in the areas where the Russians are now... People in Donbas and Crimea should be asked which country they want to belong to, in a referendum under the supervision of the UN, — Putin's henchman cynically suggested.

It is important to understand that after the beginning of the occupation, the aggressor country of the Russian Federation settled its citizens in these regions for years, while the Ukrainians were forced to leave them.

Sara Wagenknecht invented unthinkable demands for Ukraine

Journalists also asked the scandalous German politician what concessions she thinks Ukraine should make in order for the war to finally end.

She must be ready to negotiate and compromise — especially with regard to her goal of NATO membership — a Putin aide cynically stated.

In addition, Sarah Wagenknecht continues to actively criticize the strategy of supplying Ukraine with weapons to win the war and left open the question of whether Russia should make any concessions and what concessions they should make.

What is important to understand is that in the last local elections in Saxony and Thuringia, the Wagenknecht party gained significant ground and will play an important role in the formation of coalitions.

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