Russia claims administrative buildings were damaged after drone attack in Kursk region
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Russia claims administrative buildings were damaged after drone attack in Kursk region


Drones attacked the Russian Kursk region on June 10. The Russians said that two administrative buildings were damaged as a result of the attack.

Points of attention


  • The acting governor reported on the use of kamikaze drones and quadcopters in the attacks.
  • There is no information about the victims of the drone attack.
  • Drones also attacked a Russian tugboat and a barge in the Taganrog Bay.
  • The attack resulted in damage to the barge and injuries to the crew, but the tug's performance remained intact.

What is known about the drone attack in the Russian Kursk region?

Alexei Smirnov, acting governor of the Kursk region of the Russian Federation, said that in the evening and at night, drones attacked the border areas of the Kursk region.

They used the entire possible arsenal: kamikaze drones, quadcopters and a heavy eight-screw octocopter. According to preliminary information, two administrative buildings were damaged — in the city of Sudzha and the village of Koreneve, the governor said.

Currently information about there are no victims.

According to him, "eight Ukrainian drones" were allegedly eliminated and neutralised with small arms and means of radio-electronic warfare.

Drones attacked a tugboat and a barge in the bay near Russian Taganrog

According to Russian Telegram channels, drones attacked a Russian tugboat and a barge in the Taganrog Bay.

Russian sources claim that the attack was carried out on the tug "Inzhener Smirnov" and the barge "Section-179" in the evening of June 8.

In particular, the tugboat captain reported that as a result of the attack, the barge had damage above the waterline, and the tugboat's windows were broken. Also, two crew members received shrapnel wounds.

The tug's performance was not lost, and the captain decided to return to the port of Azov in the Rostov region.

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