Russia strikes two thermal power plants and gas storage facilities
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Russia strikes two thermal power plants and gas storage facilities

State Emergency Service

During a massive missile attack on April 11, Russia fired at two DTEK thermal power plants and two Naftogaz underground gas storage facilities.

Russia attacks two Ukrainian thermal power plants and gas storage facilities on April 11

DTEK reported that Russia seriously damaged the equipment of two enterprises.

After the end of the attack, the power industry quickly began to eliminate the consequences and restore the operation of the equipment.

According to preliminary information, there are no victims.

DTEK noted that since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, DTEK thermal power plants have been fired upon almost 170 times.

Naftogaz reported that the Russian Federation attacked two underground gas storage facilities this morning.

Repositories continue to work. Currently, specialists are engaged in eliminating the consequences of shelling.

Employees were not injured.

Earlier, the head of the Lviv RMA , Maksym Kozytskyi, reported that at night, cruise missiles of various classes and unmanned aerial vehicles attacked two objects of critical energy infrastructure in the Lviv region.

This is a gas distribution infrastructure facility in Stryi district and an electric substation in Chervonohrad district.

The fire was promptly extinguished. All life support systems of the Lviv region are working normally. There are no casualties.

Missile attack on April 11: what is known

Russian troops attacked Ukraine at night with 42 missiles (X-101/X-555, S-300, X-59, X-47M2 "Kinzhal") and 40 kamikaze drones. Air defense forces destroyed 18 missiles (X-101/X-555, X-59) and 39 drones.

The attack was directed against energy infrastructure in the Kharkiv, Zaporizhzhia, Lviv, and Kyiv regions.

  • In the Kyiv region, the Russian army attacked a critical infrastructure facility with kamikaze drones and missiles. Emergency services extinguish the fire.

  • At least 10 strikes were made on Kharkiv's critical infrastructure. More than 200,000 subscribers in the region are currently without electricity.

  • An energy infrastructure object was damaged in the Zaporizhzhia district.

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