Russian army holds civilians captive for two days in Vovchansk community
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Russian army holds civilians captive for two days in Vovchansk community

Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor's Office

On May 11, the occupying forces captured several local residents in Vovchansk, some of the prisoners managed to escape on May 13.

The Russian military discusses the shooting of civilians

During the offensive actions of the Russian army in the Vovchan community of the Kharkiv region, the occupiers were forcibly detained and continued to detain people in the basement. Residents were placed on the premises on May 11.

On May 13, some of them managed to escape and reach the volunteers.

The victims said that while they were in the basement, they heard Russian service members talking about the fact that civilians should be shot.

People were forced to provide medical care to the occupiers

According to the prosecutor's office, the captured civilian population of Vovchansk was forced to provide medical aid to the occupying army.

The specified actions of the representatives of the aggressor state are a direct violation of the Convention on the Protection of the Civilian Population in Time of War, signed in Geneva on August 12, 1949, which includes, in particular, Ukraine and the Russian Federation, the prosecutor's office said.

The SSU Investigation Department in the Kharkiv region conducts the pre-trial investigation.

According to the spokesman of the regional prosecutor's office, Dmytro Chubenko, the investigators established that the people spent two days in the basement, were not released, and were forced to provide medical assistance to the Russians.

About 500 people remain in Vovchansk

The head of the Vovchansk City Military Administration (CMA), Tamaz Hambarashvili, commented to Suspilne that the city is currently under the control of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, and battles are taking place on its outskirts.

The situation is difficult in that the city of Vovchansk is located four kilometers from the state border, therefore, it can be said that the entire suburb is the border, and battles are being fought there. The enemy is advancing, but our Armed Forces are fighting back, says the head of the CMA.

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