Russian glide bombs remain one of key problems at battlefront, Ukrainian official states
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Russian glide bombs remain one of key problems at battlefront, Ukrainian official states

Ministry of Defense of Ukraine
glide bomb

According to the first deputy chief of the Ministry of Defence, Ivan Gavrylyuk, the glide bombs that the occupation army of the Russian Federation drops on the positions of the Ukrainian military remain one of the key problems in the criminal war unleashed by Russia.

How does the use of gilde bombs by the Russian army affect the situation at the front

Our units suffer from the use of a large number of guided aerial bombs by enemy aircraft. On average, 100-120 glide bombs are dropped on the heads of our defenders per day. This is 3-4 thousand per month. The weight category of these aerial bombs is 250 kg and more. 250- and 500-kilogram bombs are mainly used, Gavrilyuk noted.

According to him, the key way to counteract the use of air defense systems by the occupiers is to destroy carrier aircraft and storage warehouses.

However, this requires additional air defense equipment from Western partners, as well as modern fighters, in particular, the American F-16.

In addition, Ukraine needs long-range weapons, among other things, long-range missiles for strikes on Russian airfields.

Our minimum need is 120-130 planes, Gavrilyuk emphasised.

Ukraine should receive the F-16 in the coming months, but it is not known exactly when.

The deputy chief of the Ministry of Defence also added that the Russian Federation's occupying army maintains an advantage in the number of artillery rounds it can carry.

For one Ukrainian ammunition, there are five in Russia, Havrilyuk noted.

He emphasized that the Ukrainian military also urgently needs electronic warfare equipment.

What problems does the Air Force face when repelling the latest attacks of the Russian army

According to the Air Force spokesman, Ilya Yevlash, during the combined attack on Ukraine on May 26, air defence units could not shoot down two enemy "Kinzhal" missiles due to insufficient number of Patriot air defence systems.

Unfortunately, "Kinzhal" aeroballistic missiles are difficult to shoot down, and only one complex, which has repeatedly shown itself in action effectively, can effectively oppose them. And we need more such complexes to protect our civil infrastructure, Yevlash noted.

According to him, Patriot air defence systems will most effectively counter these missiles.

F-16s could theoretically serve as a deterrent directly to enemy tactical aircraft. They are trying to use "Kinzhals" from a fairly long distance, and there are certain nuances regarding the use of Western weapons on the territory of the Russian Federation, Yevlash explains.

According to his information, tonight the Russians have already classically targeted the critical energy infrastructure of Ukraine and military facilities.

However, the well-coordinated work of our aviation, electronic warfare units, and mobile fire groups made it possible to effectively deal with other targets," he emphasised, recalling that almost all targets were destroyed, namely 12 cruise missiles of the Kh-101 and Kh-155 types, and another 31 "Shaheds" kamikaze drones, said the Ukrainian Air Force spokesman.

Yevlash also said that the latest combined attacks of the enemy are carried out according to the classic scheme - first they try to launch "Shaheds", later they use more serious weapons, this time they will launch Kh-101 and Kh-155 missiles from the territory of the Saratov region from Tu-95MS strategic bombers, and in the end, they hit "Kinzhals" from the territory of the Tambov region.

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