Russian military restoring abandoned radar station in Novorossiysk, ATESH movement says
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Russian military restoring abandoned radar station in Novorossiysk, ATESH movement says

Source:  ATESH

Russia is restoring the abandoned part of the connection to Novorossiysk. This base became an alternative to Sevastopol after the attack on the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation.

Russia is restoring the abandoned part of the connection to Novorossiysk

"ATESH" agents from among the military of the Russian Armed Forces report that the Russian command has begun to restore the previously abandoned part of the communication near the city of Novorossiysk.

As the partisans noted, this facility was built during the Soviet Union and was not used for military purposes for a long time.

A part has already been formed, and the object has been brought into combat readiness. The Russians are making every effort to protect their new main naval base of the Black Sea Fleet in Novorossiysk, Atesh adds.

What is known about the base of the Russian Federation in Novorossiysk

The port in Novorossiysk replaced the base in occupied Sevastopol, where the Russians withdrew most of their warships. This happened after the attack on the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation in Sevastopol and many warships in other ports of Crimea.

Novorossiysk is the largest commercial port in the south of Russia, located in the Krasnodar Territory. After the attack on the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol in September 2023, the Russians transferred 14 ships to the port of Novorossiysk.

At the same time, despite all efforts, attacks on military facilities in Novorossiysk continue successfully from sea and air.

On May 17, the SSU and GUR attacked the targets of the occupiers in Sevastopol, Tuapse, and Novorossiysk with more than a hundred drones. In particular, the seaport, refinery, oil terminal and power substations were hit.

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