According to the Russian opposition Telegram channel "VChK-OGPU", in the so-called "Donetsk People's Republic", which is de facto the Russian-occupied territory of Ukraine, a soldier of the Russian army Yuriy Galushko shot his commander and 5 more Russian invaders who served together with him.
Russian military took revenge on the occupiers for Kharkiv's shelling and his mother's stroke
According to the available data, Yuriy Galushko went to fight against Ukraine to earn money for an operation to restore his sight — he was half-blind.
Since the occupier loved reading books the most, he decided to risk his life to regain sight.
However, his priorities changed dramatically when the soldier's mother, who lives in Kharkiv, Ukraine, came under fire from the Russian army, in which he served.
Recently, during the shelling, she ran to the basement of the neighbours to hide and broke her arm, and then, against the background of the experience, a stroke occurred. The woman is in serious condition.
These events shocked Yuriy Galushka, who had a very close relationship with his mother, so he decided to immediately take revenge on the Russian occupiers for the shelling of Kharkiv and the stroke of his relative.
The result of his revenge was the shooting of 6 Russian invaders — the commander and five more "comrades in the service".
What is known about Yurii Halushko
He was born in Kharkiv to a Great Patriotic War veteran. His father died in 2011. Two years later, he married the Russian Natalya and moved to her in the Belgorod region.
The couple, who have been married for 15 years, have two children. The head of the family was a conscript (he was conscripted in Moscow, but served in the Urals), worked as a security guard at the bridge metal construction plant.
Natalia described her ex-husband as calm and non-aggressive. Most of all, Yuriy liked to read, especially classic literature and fantasy.
Yuriy complained about his eyesight, he can't see very well, and only an operation will help, which he can't afford financially. In order to earn money, he went to kill peaceful Ukrainians.