Russian soldiers complain of heavy losses during offensive in Kharkiv region — video
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Russian soldiers complain of heavy losses during offensive in Kharkiv region — video

Russian army's losses
Source:  The Guardian

A soldier of the fifth company of the 1009th regiment of the criminal army of the Russian Federation published a video message in which he complained about the heavy losses of the Russian occupiers during the offensive in the Kharkiv region.

Points of attention

  • A soldier of the fifth company of the 1009th regiment of the Russian Army testifies to the insane losses of the Russian occupiers in the Kharkiv region.
  • The Kremlin is trying to hide the actual losses of the Russian army by arresting critics and bloggers who express an independent opinion.
  • Russian soldiers search for their relatives who went missing during the offensive on Kharkiv, a testament to the staggering number of casualties Moscow has suffered.
  • Polls show high support among Russians for the Kremlin's actions in Ukraine, but some citizens support peace talks and express a desire to return to the state before the invasion.
  • The Russian authorities are trying to suppress the movement demanding the return of occupying relatives from the front and have resorted to forced mobilization of soldiers unwilling to fight.

The Russian occupiers complain about the destruction in the battles in the Kharkiv region

In his address, Andreev said that the battles in Vovchansk resulted in only 12 of 100 soldiers remaining in his unit.

They just cut us down. We are sent under machine guns, under drones during the day, like meat. And the commanders just shout "forward and forward", — declares the Russian occupier.

The article emphasizes that the fighting in the Kharkiv region has not stopped since May 9, when the occupation army of the Russian Federation began its offensive.

During the first week, the Russian invaders seized about 15 square kilometres of Ukrainian territory, raising doubts about the ability of the Ukrainian military to defend its territory.

However, later, the Ukrainian military largely stabilised the front line.

I don't know if I'll get out of this or not, but I have to say it to honor the memory of those who died here like meat because of certain individuals. You walk down the street and everything seems fine. But then you end up in a carnage. On the first night, half of the company died immediately, Andreev says in a video message.

According to Russian propaganda media and Kremlin officials, the offensive of the occupation army of the Russian Federation in the Kharkiv region continues.

Kremlin dictator Vladimir Putin falsely claims that the losses of the occupation army of the Russian Federation are many times smaller than the losses of the Ukrainian military.

How the Kremlin hides the losses of the Russian army in the war and deals with criticism

In addition, the Kremlin leadership is trying in every possible way to hide actual losses.

After suppressing the mutiny of the deceased leader of the "Wagner Group" Yevgeny Prigozhin, in the summer of 2023, the Kremlin got rid of several warmongers and bloggers who criticised the actions of the Ministry of Defense of the aggressor country in the war against Ukraine.

In particular, the terrorist Igor Strelkov-Ghirkin was arrested, and last month, the authorities detained Major General Ivan Popov, a respected commander who raised problems on the battlefield, including deaths and injuries.

A cohort of influential military bloggers now mostly toes the government line, painting an optimistic picture of Moscow's advance while predicting Ukraine's imminent collapse.

But dozens of posts appeared on social media with Russians looking for their relatives who went missing during the offensive on Kharkiv, hinting at the staggering number of casualties that Moscow continues to suffer.

I haven't heard from my brother since May 12, when they were sent to Vovchansk. What worries me is that the training only lasted a week. Is this even legal? — asks the Russian Evgeny on the VK social network.

At the same time, general support for Russia's war against Ukraine remains high.

A survey published by the independent sociological centre "Levada" showed that 79% of Russians support the actions of the Kremlin in Ukraine.

However, half supported the start of peace talks, and almost 40% said they would prefer to return to the period before Moscow invaded Ukraine.

Recently, the authorities stepped up efforts to suppress the movement known as "The Way Home", which demanded the return of native occupiers from the front. The movement was called a "foreign agent".

Verstka, an independent Russian news outlet, published a report that the Russian military kidnapped hundreds of mobilized soldiers who did not want to fight and sent them to the trenches at gunpoint.

So far, Moscow has been able to build up its troops without ordering mass mobilization, offering recruits generous salaries and bonuses.

According to the Ministry of Defence of Great Britain's assessment, it could recruit about 30,000 to 40,000 soldiers every month.

While the Russian offensive on Kharkiv appears to have stalled for the time being, the attack has achieved at least one of its goals: drawing critical Ukrainian reserves into the region away from defensive positions in the east.

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