Russians continue to concentrate their forces on Chasiv Yar, AFU speaker says
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Russians continue to concentrate their forces on Chasiv Yar, AFU speaker says

Russians continue to concentrate their forces on Chasiv Yar, AFU speaker says

Nazar Voloshyn, the spokesman of the “Khortytsia" operational-strategic group of troops, said that the Russian occupiers are concentrating their forces in the direction of Chasiv Yar — near Klishchiivka, Andriivka, and Ivanivske.

Points of attention

  • The resistance of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to the enemy's attempts to advance near Chasiv Yar was successful.
  • International allies such as the United States, Great Britain, and Germany are helping Ukraine improve its defences and supply weapons.
  • The European Union provides financial support to a country experiencing conflict and initiates military aid.
  • Ukraine is expected to receive new F-16 aircraft and additional air defence systems from international partners.
  • Deploying new defence systems and military aid from international allies will help Ukrainian forces protect the country's territory.

What is the situation near Chasiv Yar?

The enemy is trying to capture these settlements in order to expand the geography of its advance in the direction of Kramatorsk and Sloviansk The enemy is actively conducting artillery fire, airstrikes and using drones on the outskirts of Chasiv Yar, Voloshyn said, adding that the Russians are also carrying out drops from kamikaze drone, and with the help of the Lancet unmanned aerial vehicle, covering the assaults of their infantry.

Last week, there were 1,286 shellings of Defence Forces positions by various weapons in the area of Chasiv Yar. Also, 128 anti-tank missiles fell in this direction.

A "deadly summer" awaits Ukraine and Russia at the front. But the WSJ doubts that any of the parties will be able to achieve a decisive breakthrough

A few days ago, Voloshyn reported that the Ukrainian Armed Forces had pushed out the occupiers from the Kanal neighbourhood in Chasiv Yar, where fighting had been going on for several months. The Russians continue to try to break through the defence of the defenders in this area.

Western allies are helping Ukraine to significantly improve the situation at the front

According to her, the Ukrainian military situation is improving with renewed aid from the US and partners.

In particular, the USA, Great Britain, Germany and France, albeit with restrictions, allow the Ukrainian military to strike with their own weapons on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Meanwhile, the Netherlands and Romania are supplying additional Patriot systems, Italy is also promising an anti-aircraft system, and Spain is helping with ammunition.

The country may also gain new supporters. With Vladimir Putin recently forming a military alliance with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, South Korea is considering supplying arms to Ukraine. The EU has opened accession talks and is launching further military aid, for the first time using interest income from frozen Russian assets. Thanks to these funds, the G7 countries promise Ukraine a loan of up to 50 billion euros. The first F-16 aircraft are expected to arrive in Ukraine soon, the analyst emphasises.

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